Anca Lillen Game

Beyond Caine's Ways

Vampires in Hawai’i? Who would have thought? But wherever humans go, the Kindred tend to follow, even to these exotic lands. The state feels free from the plaguing intrigue of the Great Jyhad at least. The undead here revel in their immortality and their thirst for blood. Indeed, their carnal appetites lead the undead of Hawai’i into debauchery. Some pursue the ever-mighty dollar through the gold mine of real estate. Others lust after the native lore, wondering what mystical secrets the mythos might yield.

But always, the Children of Caine can play only at night. They can never enjoy the vivid warmth of the Hawai’ian sun. And it seems Pele coats the air they smell but do not breathe with a light cloud of volcanic ash only they can inhale. They know deep in their souls that no matter how they masquerade among the mortal herd, they are unnatural. Nowhere is that more evident than in a place of such natural beauty. Thus, this TUG is the Anca Lillen game. Anca Lillen is an ancient Enochian phrase meaning “smoky nights”.

Special Events

Special events are annual (or more frequent) holidays or special ritual days that the main group or groups observe as a whole community. Attendance and participation is often expected of all members, and sometimes required.

Scavenger Hunt
The Camarilla Kindred of Hawai’i are a relaxed lot. The islands are too remote to worry much about Sabbat or Anarch conquest and other clans have little interest here. The islands attract a breed of vampire who just wants to play it cool and enjoy the evening breeze. But every so often, these Kindred gather in an elder’s house in Honolulu. There begins the annual Scavenger Hunt, held for three nights from September 21st to the 24th. Kindred may not employ their ghouls to search for the assigned objects (or persons) neither day nor night, though Disciplines may be used if called for (e.g., Entrancing a mortal should that mortal be a target of the hunt). Winners of the hunt earn a boon from the Prince.

Festival of Hungry Ghosts
On the 15th day of the 7th lunar month (which is about mid-August to early September), an important moon festival falls, the Festival of Hungry Ghosts (called Ghost Day for short). It is a day in which ancestors are honored by offering them sacrifices (burning stacks of hell-notes – festival “currency”, preparing meals for empty spots at the table, etc.). Restless Dead of the Jade Kingdom consider this their most important holiday (and the sacrifices often become relics and useful materials for those ghosts). Kuei-jin allies on the other side of the Wall tend to agree, especially Yin-oriented vampires who watch over their mortal families afar as hidden spirits. The Kuei-jin of the Striking Serpent’s Head Wu observe this festival above all. The Golden Court Polynesian immortals of the Court of Firerain are noticeably disinterested in Chinese moon festivals and are more likely to observe Makahiki.

“There may be nowhere else in the world that I can look at the very land and be as stupefied as I can be here in this thrilling country.”

-- Prince Jason Briscoe, 8th-Generation Toreador Prince of Hilo