Cathedral of Broken Hearts

No Surrender!

Many supernatural creatures abound in Kansas City. Their crimes against humanity often go unanswered. A few, however, struggle against the demons in the night. Some fight alone, others join groups in which they find expanded resources and allies. Some do not fight at all, but dwell alongside in search of greater knowledge regarding the Awakened. And others still are not hunters at all, but find themselves caught up in the games of hunters and other supernaturals, whimsically free of thralldom so far.

Various hunter agencies are scattered throughout Kansas City. The following are the most prominent.

The Arcanum is fascinated by the high number of supernatural beings in Kansas City. They set up a chapterhouse in Rolling Hills, purchasing a spacious home for the chapter's communal use. Libraries and records overflow there, and magical wards keep the place safe from nosy neighbors...or supernatural enemies.

The Devaki is a recent phenomenon largely unique to Kansas City. Also known as the Crusaders, this band resembles a citizen militia bent on slaying vampires. They began as a "fight club" style organization in Little Asia back in 2003, but expanded as slayers and spread throughout the city since. They maintain a variety of warehouse and office building "safe houses". Though they are citizens with "secret identities", they drill and train regularly in the use of spring-latched spears and automatic weapons. The authorities haven't cracked down on the Crusaders yet, in part because there are a large number of officials membering the Devaki! It's easy for newcoming vampires to the city to dismiss these "civvies", but that's because they're not acquainted with how effectively they devastated Sabbat, Anarch, and other Kindred elements only a few years ago.

Orphic Circle
The Orphic Circle is the most prominent group involved with the Restless Dead in Kansas City. They lead double lives, and meet at one another's private residences to pursue their unearthly goals and rituals. So far, the Restless who have truck with these Orphics view them as friends.

A number of Romani pass through Kansas City on their often random travels. But a couple kumpania stay permanently, moving their camp sites around the area regularly. A family of Lupines, the Children of Sarrath, maintain connections to Silent Striders at the Caern of Moon Lake. As Kinfolk, they do what they can to help, including search for Lost Cubs and an exchange of information and magical trinkets. This family's clan name is Arake Loup – Seeking the Wolf (within). The other kumpania is far less friendly (to anyone), and specializes in hunting vampires (particularly Ravnos) -- and they are Tsurara. Led by an Awakened Gypsy mage, this band avoids some of the pitfalls other Knife Dancers are stepping into (such as drugs), but are still brutal and callous killers of their own kind. They're called Devlesa Jani -- God's Madmen.

Society of Leopold
The most powerful group of hunters in Kansas City is, of course, the Society of Leopold: the heart of the Inquisition. Based out of the Cathedral of Saint Michael, the Inquisition maintains two cenacles (teams) in the city. One is the front line hunters, composed of full-time veteran hunters (including Gladius Dei). The other is a support team, composed of Condotierri, think tanks, and healers. Both cenacles, and the Cathedral, are strong in their Faith. They pick their enemies wisely, however. The Inquisition senses it has many unwitting allies in the city, and would rather not make more enemies than necessary, so that they can help put a greater squeeze on the real enemy. The Inquisitors are largely mainstream members of the Society of Leopold, but members of the "lesser" sects might be involved as well.

Special Events

Special events are annual (or more frequent) holidays or special ritual days that the main group or groups observe as a whole community. Attendance and participation is often expected of all members, and sometimes required.

Easter Outreach
The holy week leading up to Easter has become the choice opportunity for the men and women associated with the Church, the Society of Leopold and other such organizations, to extend a benevolent hand to the masses. Monster-hunting is paused in order to commemorate the people that the hunters wish to protect. Obviously, this event is not universally observed. Many hunters in Kansas City are not affiliated with the Church. But as the dominant organization, it nevertheless bears note. Few supernatural creatures have taken notice, since the True Faith surrounding holy grounds only increases during this time, driving most monsters away.

“In neither Scripture or reality is there forgiveness and mercy for demons running rampant on Earth. Mankind must defend itself and make ready for the Second Coming of Christ.”

-- Father Aaron McCorb, Abbé of the Cenaculum of the Church of Saint Michael