Tlapohui Miccacoyoctli

Flaying Alive

The Dead remember. The Dead linger on, beyond the ken of mortal consciousness. Past the Shroud dwell the Restless Dead, wraiths and ghosts of fearsome disposition and unquenchable passions. They are the spirits of the deceased, locked into this world still for personal reasons and needs that must be fulfilled.

In the necropolis of Puebla, an awakening has taken place. Since the fall of the Aztec Empire, European ghosts dominated affairs in the necropolis and controlled Byways across the Underworld of Mexico. The Dark Kingdom of Iron did not control this place, however, but rather did the Magisterium—the so-called Heretics that once dominated entire swaths of the Underworld by emulating the Catholic Church. Even today, in the necropolis proper, the Magisterium stands proud, without Hierarchy threat. The Dark Kingdom of Obsidian had long since been vanquished. The Flayed Lands were claimed in the name of Christ.

But the Dead remember. Regrouping under Gaunts who survived the Third Great Maelstrom and represent the old empires, the Flayed Lands begins to reconstitute itself. Calling itself now the New Sun, it focuses above all on reminding most Lemures that their indigenous heritage calls them to the old gods and old rulers. The Magisterium always had a hard time competing with rival theories. After all, the Underworld can hardly be called Limbo by any description of Christian mythology. And since it isn’t, then what did the Catholics get right about the afterlife?

The Hierarchy and its rules do not hold here. However, while there is no Dictum Mortuus to speak of, common sense prevails. Both the Heretics and the New Sun avoid exposing themselves to the Quick. Part of that, too, stems from fear of the vampires who dominate the city. Necromancy can enthrall almost any spirit.

In the necropolis, modern buildings do not exist. As a consequence, only a handful of structures spread across the dead city, for Puebla was not built on ruins but upon an ancient battlefield. The landscape is dotted with old and permanent Nihils where gallons of blood once pooled. Death traps, indeed. Spectral attacks are common. The Magisterium reacts to such hazards by withdrawing into their handful of shadow-monasteries and forting up. The New Sun tends to more exposed; this also means they’ve gotten better at repelling the Shadow-eaten. Old obsidian artifact battle-axes are awarded to the best fighters of every circle.

Special Events

Special events are annual (or more frequent) holidays or special ritual days that the main group or groups observe as a whole community. Attendance and participation are often expected of all members, and sometimes required.

Dia de Todos los Santos/Muertos
November 1st marks All Saints’ Day, which the Magisterium celebrates with religious pomp and reverential reflection within its well-defended church walls. The following Day of the Dead, however, is the more pagan-oriented holiday that better suits the Tlapohui Miccacoyoctli. They employ this day of much weaker Shrouds to affect and influence their living families and friends. Many try to turn their loved ones down the path of accepting their ancient indigenous heritage and culture. Others take this as the most auspicious time to Reap new recruits.

“We will not staunch the river of blood. We will restore its current.”

-- Cuauhtémoc, Tlahtoani of the New Sun