Burning Waves Grottos

Gnashing Teeth

Some people are under the illusion that Hawai’i, being a full-fledged member of the U.S.A., is somehow just off the coast of California. No! It is over 2,000 miles out, in the center of the Pacific Ocean, where some of the deepest waters can be found in the world. There are many mysteries in these seas, and swimming silent and deadly circles among them all are the Rokea.

The survivors of the seas and earth, the Rokea are the most ancient of Changing Breeds, predating even the Mokolé. Their ways are simple and carnal, believing in harmony with the Sea above all. There is little they hate more than those among their own kind who would blatantly threaten that harmony. Those weresharks called Betweeners risk upsetting the balance in the sea by becoming landfolk or worse, threatening to reveal their nature to the exploitative humans.

Because of the imminent threats that those on Unsea (the land) and those mysteries deep in the oceans can pose to the Rokea and Sea itself, the slews of weresharks that patrol the waters around and near Hawai’i are a grim lot indeed. Their Rage burns brighter with every passing day as they face new and inexcusable dangers from Little Wounds (underwater nuclear testing sites), overfishing, and exposure to their land-based enemies. And as their fury deepens, the waters in which they swim almost seem to boil and burn…


The few and simple laws of the Rokea apply to all three Grottos and their slews here in the Hawai’ian area. There are no exceptions, although the Dimwaters of the Tidal Shield Grotto take the laws – and the Betweener Hunts they inspired – far more seriously than the other Rokea of the area.

Grotto of the Tidal Shield

Arguably the most powerful Grotto in the area, the Rokea who dwell here are especially interested in punishing those that threaten their race or the Sea at whole. Dimwaters tend to run the show among the slews of the Tidal Shield, and are not happy that Same-Bito swim in the area.

One hundred miles south of the island of Maui exists the Grotto of the Tidal Shield. One thousand feet down, a thriving forest of multi-colored coral chutes stand. All manner of maritime life swims amidst this natural wonder.

The essence of the Grotto is found in traversing the coral forest. Completing an entire circuit around this inanimate sea life fills the wereshark with a sense of purpose and well being. To most others, this is just a particularly beautiful maritime phenomenon, and that innocuousness is what best protects the Grotto from detection. This is a Level 3 Grotto of Harmony and its Totem is Shark.

Dominant Species
Rokea of the Albus (silvertip), Ambus (gray reef), and Longus (oceanic whitetip) are the most common breeds inhabiting this Grotto. These medium-sized requiem sharks demonstrate deadly precision when combining their might with slew tactics.

Grotto of the Sea's Heart

Fascinated by the secrets of the ocean, the Rokea of the Grotto of the Sea’s Heart explore all there is to know on the surface and sea bottom, and everything in between. They’re much less interested in what’s happening on the islands or any other bit of dirt, but aren’t above stealing aboard ships to find out what the humans are up to. They’re also deeply concerned by the dirtwalkers’ metal shells they constructed on the sea floor in places, but Sea has advised them away from attacking those sites…for now. Darkwaters tend to run the slews of this Grotto.

Two hundred miles southwest of the island of Kaua'i lies a trench rent deep into the ocean floor known as the Grinning Maw Trench. The ocean is easily 3,000 feet deep at this point, and trench pushes into the sea floor another 1,000. The pressure is unbearable even for most Rokea at some points. All anyone can see into that trench is abyssal darkness. Nonetheless, much sea life, fish and otherwise, make their homes around the edges of that canyon.

Only a few Rokea are able to swim to the very bottom of the Grinning Maw. The further they go, usually under the protection of pressure-proofing Gifts, the less sea life they encounter. At the very bottom, there is nothing but rock few living things have ever seen. Here the voices of the Sea and Unsea are so compelling that a visitor is lured into a dream-like state where great wisdom is passed on, as well as fully recharging his Gnosis. This is a Level 5 Grotto of Visions and its Totem is a mysterious spirit known as the Nevertouched.

Dominant Species
Rokea of the strange Angus breed (eel or frilled shark) rank among the weresharks here. Vulpa (thresher sharks) and Spynha (hammerheads) are also known at this Grotto.

Grotto of Scarlet Depths

Fearless and eager, the Rokea slews of this Grotto look forward to encounters, peaceful or otherwise. Some of the local Betweeners were once guardians of the Grotto of Scarlet Depths, and rarely do these Rokea chase their former brethren down. No weresharks in the Hawai’i area are more interested in human activities than these. Most monitor them from safe vantage points below the surface, but others are more daring. Still, more frequently than not these Rokea are drawn into battle with the dirtwalkers…or the evil poisons they bring. Brightwaters tend to lead these slews.

Only fifty miles west of the coast of Ni'ihau, there is an underwater graveyard for ships and even airplanes. Much of this sunken junk are all that remains of the great battles in World War II, and more still are whaling vessels that saw their last days here, and were purposely scuttled. It wasn’t until recent years that humans realized sinking so many ships in one area may have created some homes for aquatic life, but ultimately posed an ecological threat. At least they provided homes for some fish. For among these slowly rusting hulls, the Rokea of the Grotto of Scarlet Depths swim.

While some of the craft sunk to the bottom of the sea in this oceanic graveyard was purposely and safely scuttled, some was brought down in war. Others were sabotaged (usually by the Rokea themselves). The sailors and pilots who drowned with their crafts left their marks on the sea here. The violent essence of their deaths forever charged the waters around the wreckages with unmatched ferocity. Some of these spirits may be actual ghosts, but most were consumed by the frightening torrent of doom here. Simply swimming among the sunken ships and planes fills a Rokea with a terrible, blinding fury. This is a Level 2 Grotto of Rage and the Totem is Sea Snake.

Dominant Species
Karkha (great whites) and Ixya (makos) dominate the Rokea species around this Grotto. Prixa (blue sharks), Bruxus (pricky/bramble sharks), and even Isus (cookie-cutter sharks) also swim these waters.

Special Events

Special events are annual (or more frequent) holidays or special ritual days that the main group or groups observe as a whole community. Attendance and participation is often expected of all members, and sometimes required.

Rokea do not generally keep note of “holidays”. Marking a certain day as important is a human thing. Marking days at all is a human thing! And yet, the Rokea are not ignorant of Oversea (the sky) and the changes in the celestial bodies therein, which mark the passage of time at least in broad strokes (lunar months and seasons if nothing else). The Rokea of the Burning Waves Grottos all take part in a single event that falls upon the first new moon of the summer season. Calling it the Un-Wounding, the slews all work together to fight back and shrink Little Wounds (poisoned, polluted, and/or irradiated sites in the sea) with ritual cleansing and demon-munching. They perform this task with care; no Rokea is worth dying over these many but tiny sites, even if those sites keep expanding. On the other hand, the Rokea have staked out their territory, claimed their Grottos, and they’re not about to give it up to anyone, especially some radioactive Qyrlings!

“If you know what’s good for you, stay out of our water!”

-- Lala Hullcracker, Brightwater in the Deeps of the Scarlet Depths Grotto