Old Fort Protectorates

Wall of Teeth

The Wyrm has many children, some small and some large. Some of its children are weak, others are as terrible as the dragons of ancient myth. And it is those sorts of monsters that the Garou whisper are on the rise in the New York area. The Garou and their unlikely allies among the other Changing Breeds are on the defensive. They expect any kind of monstrosity to rear its ugly head at any time now.

Holing themselves up in their ancient caerns and powerful strongholds, the Warriors of Gaia are preparing to wage a ferocious defensive battle against the might of the Wyrm and minions of the Weaver. Cunning and vigilant, ferocious and tough beyond reckoning, they might just be able to hold out against these terrible demons stirring beneath their feet. The earth is infected with ancient poisons and devils of frightening power. But the earth also birthed defenders of all stripes, and they’re ready to shred the coming demons, even if they die in the process.


The Litanies of the different lycanthropes are certainly upheld, all of the laws in fact. There is too much at stake. And while power mongering and intrigue goes on behind the scenes, even the Shadow Lords keep their machinations quiet. The Enemy is too powerful to let too much skullduggery and backstabbing interfere with the shapeshifters’ sacred duties. Of course, sometimes it does anyway…

Other Shapeshifters

In the rural domains outside of New York City, the Garou of the Sept of the Lost Fort are most prominent. Rokea swim in the waters beyond the islands, protecting a vital Grotto. A few Bastet, Nuwisha, and Gurahl run in the area, and a Murder or two of Corax are likely to fly in the region. A Nest of Zuzeka watch over the New York area, while Mokolé would be quite rare in this cool environment. (Other shapeshifters dwell within the city, but are covered under the Green Asphalt TUG.)

Sept of the Lost Fort

An old and ruined bastion, the Meadowlands Fort, left on the mainland overlooking the Newark Bay and Jersey City beyond that was apparently built four hundred years ago by Dutch settlers. But in actuality, they only rebuilt a much older fort, left by exploratory Norsemen centuries before. It was one of the only victories the Get of Fenris could originally claim when they first visited the Pure Lands with Viking Kin. The Wendigo and Croatan stopped them from claiming more.

Now the old fort and its sprawling woodlands bawn are dedicated to opposing the encroachment of both Weaver and Wyrm influences from the city. Though largely involved in just patrolling the area, the Garou of this Sept, especially the Fenrir, make occasional jaunts into the city to savage the Kindred and other minions of corruption. The full moon often heralds these attacks, but the Garou perform them during other celebrations and seasonal rituals, too. The undead just never know when it’s coming…

The Sept of the Lost Fort is found in the Meadowlands Woods, less than five miles due east of central Manhattan. But Hudson County, where sit such New Jersey towns like Hoboken and Jersey City, span the distance. Newark Bay separates the Meadowlands further from the urban centers of the New York City metropolitan area. North of the woods lies the Meadowlands Sports Complex, including the football stadium where the New York Giants call home.

Because Meadowlands Wood is a national park, the Garou were able to deem it off-limits for the sake of “endangered species”, namely certain bird species that do in fact nest in the woods. Guardians disguised as park rangers, or Kinfolk pretending to be the same, herd trespassers out of the sprawling woodland area. Towering oaks and jutting conifers grow side by side in this cool New England forest, the fauna often too thick in places to be penetrated. A hint of the Appalachians rolls through the woods, creating valley-like dips and rising knolls of trees, grass, and ferns. Old limestone boulders, covered in undisturbed moss, are scattered about the forest. It seems like a lovely, pristine land, but there is a sense of trepidation here that even experienced hikers suffer. It’s clear that trespassers are definitely not wanted…

Atop one of the larger hills in the woods lie the ruined stones of the old fort. Little more than a few blocks half-submerged into the grassy earth, the thick forest canopy shields this site from aerial view. But the fauna parts facing back east, providing excellent views of the land beyond. With binoculars, one can easily see the spires of Hoboken, Jersey City, and even hints of the Manhattan skyline. The old stones were cut from lime, and crumble more and more to dust. Nonetheless, they have endured centuries of guardianship and even sieges from the Garou’s many foes. In the center of the old fort lies the heart of the caern: a grassy spot circular in nature, revealing pale sandstone. Upon this stone are etched Norse runes, each a prayer and praise for Gaia and the heavens, and the gifts with which She grants her warriors. The War Totem Vidar, a pinnacle of strength and endurance, empowers this Level 4 Caern of Stamina.

Other Landmarks
The Pathstone is buried near the original doorway of the fort, which has long since collapsed into half a threshold. The Grave of Hallowed Heroes is found at the western base of the fort’s hill under a grove of apple trees. A glen, nicknamed the Fairy Glade, lies in the midst of the bawn. It’s filled with wildflowers and a thin canopy provides ample sunlight (or moonlight). Garou, especially the Fianna in the Sept, come here to caper and revel, inviting faerie friends (so the rumors go). And the last landmark of note is another hill found north of Fort Meadowland. Unlike the fort’s hill, the woodland canopy does not conceal it from aerial view. But there is little to see there anyway; it’s just a hill, which the Garou named Bright Hill. However, the Garou gather here for moots, to lift their howling voices up to the full moon.

Tribal Structure
Get of Fenris control the Sept of the Lost Fort and always have. However, Fianna, Shadow Lords, Red Talons, and even Silver Fangs account for a healthy number of local Garou. There is also a rise of Wendigo in the Sept, worrying some of the European Garou. In the spirit of fearless competition, however, the Jarl (Sept Leader) encourages the Wendigo to join and challenge his Tribe for control of the Sept…a task in which the Wendigo have yet to succeed.

In addition to many strong Guardians, this caern boasts a group of Ancestor-spirits collectively known as the Watchmen. These are the spirits of Norse Kin who passed away ages ago and linger to help protect the Sept from enemies and harm. Raven-spirits also help, watching out for troubles from a bird’s eye view. Because of this alliance with Raven-spirits, Corax are fairly welcome to this Sept, although watched carefully.

Grotto of Chilling Trenches

Sixty-five miles southeast of New York City, in the midst of the Atlantic Ocean, swim the Rokea near their Grotto of Chilling Trenches. This handful of slews watches over their home of spiritual power carefully, aware that many humans traverse the surface of these waters. Spynha (hammerhead sharks) make up the bulk of the Rokea here. Hexa (sixgill and sevengill sharks) and Somnus (Greenland sleeper sharks) are also common.

The Grotto is found among a series of shallow trenches in the sea floor. Some, as only the Rokea discovered, aren’t as shallow as they look. Bold weresharks long ago explored these rents in the inundated Unsea. Among them they found one trench that was far deeper than it looked due to outcroppings of stone. The deeper they swam, the colder it grew not just to the body, but to their very souls. The pressure was one thing, and handled with the right Darkwater Gifts or fetishes. But there were nightmarish, ancient, primordial traces down here: mere chemicals, lifeless and terrifying. This, the Rokea realized, was the essence of the true Sea, before anything else – even them. This is a Level 5 Grotto of Primordiality, and its Totem is Darkness.

Special Events

Special events are annual (or more frequent) holidays or special ritual days that the main group or groups observe as a whole community. Attendance and participation is often expected of all members, and sometimes required.

Rite of Warning Wolves
In a Sept dominated by Get of Fenris and with a vocal Red Talon minority, this ancient ritual is still performed. It falls on the midsummer’s full moon, usually in July at the height of summer. On that night, the werewolves spread out over their protectorate and surrounding territory and every member must attack at least one ally or servant of the Wyrm or Weaver. That means even normal humans may suffice (as unwitting pawns of the Weaver). And although there is little honor in slaying the Apes, the Red Talons love the opportunity. The Fianna despise the whole rite (participating but focusing on Wyrm foes) but the Silver Fangs do little to help stop it (bartering Fenrir favor). Perhaps only after a massive breach of the Litany will this Interregnum-flavored tradition end. One benefit of the rite is that, without fail, every year during the rite at least one nomadic pack of Sabbat vampires is swept up and obliterated.

“You will yield or you will be crushed.”

-- Arn Guth Stormbright, Jarl of the Sept of the Lost Fort