Deus Ex Machina


Not all of the TUGs can be so open and welcoming. This particular TUG, Deus Ex Machina, is by (Cam's) invitation only! Only those players he trusts to play "elder" characters would be allowed to join. Characters too powerful to put in the regular TUGs can find approval here. However, while Unmoderated, certain OOC rules must be observed. Of course, these rules needn't be hammered into the players' heads. They wouldn't be invited to join this particular game if it was thought they needed to be constantly reminded of these rules.


The rules include:

  • No powergaming on anyone, especially in the TUGs.

  • No interfering with plotlines of the standard TUGs except strictly as NPCs, and with the acting Storyteller's permission!

  • Character submissions are still not required, nor are power level restrictions going to be assigned. As noted before, if Cam as this TUG's manager feels the player can't handle any kind of powerful character, she wouldn't even be invited to the TUG. Oracles and Antediluvians…well, that doesn't even have to be discussed.

  • All other OOC rules of the TUGs are to be observed.


The setting for Deus Ex Machina remains the same: San Francisco. All elements of that region, and locations described within the individual TUGs, still apply. Elder characters of this troupe would be present as independents or advisors only. At no time can this TUG's elder characters "take over" any agency of any of the TUGs. So (for example), just because you're playing a Rank 5 Bone Gnawer doesn't mean you get to be the next Sept Leader of the Golden Way!

At no time will the NPC elders of these other TUGs' agencies be at the PCs of this troupe's whim or mercy. If a Methuselah is approved for this game, Dominating or assassinating the local Prince will only cause a Justicar or other powerhouse NPC ancient to come and monkey-stomp said Methuselah. In other words, as such elders would, work subtly, quietly, and professionally!


Players will be listed by name alongside each character approved in this troupe as with other TUGs. Their personal contact information will not be provided here. This TUG will share the mailing list with the standard TUGs. Contact information can be requested from players through that route.

By Game

Mage: The Ascension
A Master of one's Tradition (or Convention) or an powerful Archmage, the elders of the Awakened are powerful beyond most persons' reckoning. Fortunately for the rest of the World of Darkness, these demigods are typically wrapped up with management of chantries or their own strange agendas. Rarely do they mingle with the "common" people and weaker mages, for any reason.

Association with the chantries would be limited at best, acting only as a respectable advisors to the chantries' own Masters at most. Members of the local Technocracy would be present for personal ambitions beyond becoming Control, and would only thus be tolerated by the established leaders of the Conventions.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Shapeshifters of the 5th Rank are powerful and world-renowned (in their species at least). The most potent Gifts are at their disposal and they have years, decades, of experience under their belts fighting for Gaia one way or another. They are among the deadliest "foot soldiers" one might encounter in the World of Darkness -- generals, really. Fortunately, they tend to be approaching veteran age, too, and the elderly stay behind the lines guiding their people with wisdom and strategy.

None of the septs or groups would appreciate an Elder pushing in out of nowhere. Their current Elders have the support of their followers, so "hostile takeovers" are pointless and counter-productive. This holds true with the other Changing Breed associations of the region to one degree or another. These Elders are better off acting as distant hermits and advisors to their respective Breeds.

Changeling: The Dreaming
Whether powerful Sorcerers (such as the Crystal Circle), well-established noble Counts, or a visiting Duke from afar, or perhaps even a reigning Elder chief of the Nunnehi, these changelings are mystically potent individuals (with at least three Arts at Level 5).

Such changelings may be rulers of their own domains or visiting from afar, or simply individuals of great individual power. They would not impede upon the local (NPC) rulers' management of the region, unless they risk the wrath of higher powers than even they.

Vampire: The Masquerade
Of 7th Generation or older, and usually several hundred years old if not a millennium or two, the elders of the Kindred world play the Great Jyhad as pro's -- or avoid it with the best of their immense abilities. Their immortality is their greatest asset by far; their Disciplines pale to the unlimited Arts of the human sorcerers, and even the mightiest vampire warriors can fall to a determined werewolf of only a few years age. But these Ancients know the wisdom of non-confrontation and avoid their enemies, outliving them…

And so these vampires, regardless of claimed sect allegiance (if any), do not go about slaying their enemies outright, nor attempting to subdue them with great mind powers. Subtlety is their game. And those who cannot play that game rarely last long enough to earn the renown of an ancient.

Wraith: The Oblivion
Gaunts who have racked up centuries of afterlife and have mastered multiple Arcanoi are frightening ghosts indeed. However, most such spirits have seen their Fetters wither away, and are lost to the Tempest (or some island of civilization within). Thus, they are rarely seen in the Shadowlands anymore, and would have only mild interest in the activities of that place, nevermind the Skinlands.

Hunters Hunted
The deadliest Inquisitors of this age, or the wisest oracle and witch among the Phuri Dae, might rank among such gifted individuals.

Shades of Darkness
This group includes all other supernaturals of the World of Darkness, including ancient mummies and powerful if fleeting bygone beasts. These persons have their own unique agendas or manage their own "fringe group". They have little truck with others, except perhaps to indirectly oppose them…


Mage: The Ascension

Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Changeling: The Dreaming

Vampire: The Masquerade
Yayota Bail (Cam)

Wraith: The Oblivion

Hunters Hunted

Shades of Darkness
Amunta Sesur-hat (Cam)
Chimallimomoztli (Cam)
Coaxoch Eheatl (Cam)
Eloxohua Xoca (Cam)
Eopei Kakau (Cam)
Hendaqu Bau (Cam)
Hes-ra Entef (Cam)
Huitzilihuitl (Cam)
Jixixit Qoxtok (Cam)
Karo-amat Raad (Cam)
Khepri Salatis (Cam)
Leila "Querti-ab-ma" Tisa (Cam)
Nacuametlihuicatl (Cam)
Quibilah Apries (Cam)
Nellu Uetzcayotl (Cam)
Subira Neb-aei (Cam)
Ta-Ki-Uata Bak (Cam)
Tutrasui Sinuhe (Cam)