Renown Chart for the Hengeyokai
Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest (3 Wisdom)
Showing restraint in the face of certain death (1 Virtue, 1 Wisdom)
Ending a threat without serious harm to any fellow Courtmates (3 Wisdom)
Surviving an Incapacitating wound (1 Glory)
Surviving any toxic waste attack (1 Glory)
Attacking a minion of the Centipede without regard to personal safety (1 Glory)
Defeating a minor minion of the Centipede (a Kalus, a Yomi-infested animal, a Running Monkey Kuei-jin) (1 Glory)
Defeating an average minion of the Centipede (a Blight Child, bakemono, an experienced Kuei-jin) (2 Glory)
Defeating a strong minion of the Centipede (a Face Jacket, a Goblin Spider, a Jina Kuei-jin) (4 Glory)
Defeating a very strong minion of the Centipede (a Mukade, a Mandarin Kuei-jin) (5 Glory)
...destroying/killing the minion (+1 Glory)
...without being damaged or hurt in the process (+1 Glory)
...the minions were armed with silver/gold weapons (+1 Glory)
Attacking a much more powerful force without aid (-1 Virtue, -3 Wisdom)
Attacking an opponent who is not truly an enemy (-1 Glory, -2 Virtue, -2 Wisdom)
Detecting the Centipede
Revealing, with certain proof, that a human or Kinfolk is "of the Wyrm" (2 Wisdom)
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is "of the Wyrm" (2 Wisdom)
Revealing, with certain proof, that a fellow Courtmate is "of the Wyrm" (5 Wisdom)
Falsely accusing a Kinfolk of being "of the Wyrm" (-2 Virtue, -5 Wisdom)
Falsely accusing a Courtmate of being "of the Wyrm" (-6 Virtue, -6 Wisdom)
Purifying a Wyrm-tainted person, place, or thing (1 Wisdom)
Summoning an Incarna avatar (2 Wisdom)
Traveling to any of the Umbral Realms and surviving (2 Glory)
Successfully completing a spirit quest in the Umbra (3 Wisdom)
Having and properly following a prophetic dream (3 Wisdom)
Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true (4 Wisdom)
Spending a year in ritualistic seclusion (fasting, meditation, etc.) (4 Wisdom)
Discovering a talen (1 Wisdom)
Discovering a fetish (2 Wisdom)
Discovering ancient hengeyokai or shen lore (3 Wisdom)
Discovering a Pathstone (as per the Rite of the Opened Bridge) (4 Wisdom)
Discovering an ancient Dragon Nest that was lost (6 Wisdom)
Failing to succeed in a spirit quest in the Umbra (-3 Wisdom)
Giving a prophetic warning that later does not come true (-5 Wisdom)
Ignoring omens, dreams, and the like for no good reason (-3 Wisdom)
Binding "inappropriate" items to oneself through the Rite of Talisman Dedication (like firearms, Game Boys, even wristwatches; city-bound shifters like Glass Walkers are exempt) (-2 Wisdom)
Rites & Gifts
Performing the Rite of the Opened Way (2 Virtue, 1 Wisdom)
Performing the Rite of the Great Burden (only when inducting a member into the Beast-Courts) (3 Virtue, 2 Wisdom)
Receiving a Rite of Wounding (2 Glory)
Performing a Rite of Dragon Nest Building (3 Glory, 5 Virtue, 7 Wisdom)
Participating in a Rite of Dragon Nest Building (5 Glory, 3 Virtue)
Performing a Punishment Rite (2 Virtue)
Learning a new Rite (1 Wisdom)
Discovering/creating a new Rite (5 Wisdom)
Discovering/creating a new Gift (7 Wisdom)
Missing a Rite of the Emerald Assembly (-2 Virtue, -2 Wisdom)
Suffering the Rite of Ostracism (-1 Glory, -7 Virtue, -1 Wisdom)
Suffering the Stone of Scorn (-8 Honor, -2 Wisdom)
Suffering the Rite of the Jackal (-2 Glory, -7 Virtue)
Suffering a Satire Rite (lose one Rank level and all temporary Renown points)
Suffering a Rite of the Quiet Burial (-5 Virtue, -5 Wisdom)
Performing a Punishment Rite unjustly (botching the roll) (-5 Virtue, -4 Wisdom)
Refusing to participate in a Rite (-1 Virtue, -2 Wisdom)
Giggling, joking, or otherwise being disrespectful during a Rite (depends on the severity) (-2 to -6 Wisdom)
Creating a talen(s) (1 Wisdom)
Creating a fetish (4 Wisdom)
Using a fetish for the good of the Court (1 Wisdom)
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of the Court (3 Wisdom)
Using a fetish for only selfish reasons (-1 Virtue, -3 Wisdom)
Accidentally breaking or losing a fetish/talen (-1 Virtue, -1 to -5 Wisdom)
Dragon Nest Activities
Helping guard a Dragon Nest (1 Virtue)
Staying at your post when on Dragon Nest watch, even when tempted not to (1 Virtue, 1 Wisdom)
Keeping a Dragon Nest safe from humans through trickery or negotiation (4 Wisdom)
Helping to prevent a Dragon Nest from being overrun by the Centipede (3 Glory, 4 Virtue)
Died while defending a Dragon Nest (posthumous) (5 Glory, 5 Virtue)
Single-handedly preventing a Dragon Nest from being taken by the Centipede (5 Glory, 8 Virtue)
Not staying at your post when on Dragon Nest watch (-4 Virtue)
Not helping to guard a Dragon Nest, even when asked (-5 Virtue)
Not preventing a Dragon Nest from being overrun by the Centipede (-3 Glory, -7 Virtue)
Hengeyokai and Shen Relations & Society
Teaching other hengeyokai (depends on the depth of the study) (1 to 5 Virtue, 1 to 5 Wisdom)
Learning the Jade Scrolls (a lifetime's work -- this is the history of the hengeyokai in the Middle Kingdom and the Wheel of Ages) (7 Virtue, 8 Wisdom)
For a homid hengeyokai, surviving to age 75 (8 Virtue, 10 Wisdom)
For a animal-breed hengeyokai, surviving to age 65 (8 Virtue, 10 Wisdom)
Performing regular duties and chores for the Court (not including the duties appointed as Agents of a particular Ministry, though the Ministers may receive this award for their efforts in coordinating their Ministries for the Clan -- this is gained at the monthly Assembly) (1 Virtue)
Serving in any Court position (1 Glory/year, 3 Virtue/year, 1 Wisdom/year)
Loyal service to the Court (1 Glory/year, 2 Virtue/year, 1 Wisdom/year)
Loyal service to one's Changing Breed (1 Glory/year, 3 Virtue/year, 1 Wisdom/year)
Upholding the Mandates of the Emerald Mother (depends on the lengths to which the character goes) (1 to 5 Virtue, 1 to 3 Wisdom)
Participating in a just challenge (1 Glory, 2 Virtue)
Mending any bitter relations with the local Sunset People, Chi'n Ta, Hsien, Kuei-jin, wraiths, or Shih (3 Virtue, 3 Wisdom)
Establishing new diplomatic relations with any of the groups mentioned above (when under instruction to do so) (4 Virtue)
For a homid, ignoring one's animal nature for too long (-3 Wisdom)
For an animal breed, ignoring one's human nature for too long (-3 Wisdom)
For a metis, attempting to hide one's deformity (-3 Wisdom)
Living alone, without one's sentai, except for ritual reasons (-3 Wisdom)
Failing to perform regular duties and chores for the Court (-3 Virtue)
Refusing any Court position (-1 Glory, -2 Virtue, -1 Wisdom)
Breaking the Mandates (depending on the severity) (-5 to -8 Virtue, -2 to -4 Wisdom)
Participating in an unjust challenge (-3 Virtue)
Challenging someone too far above or too far below your Rank (-3 Virtue)
Harming diplomatic relations with the local Sunset People, chi'n ta, hsien, Kuei-jin, wraiths, or Shih (-4 Virtue, -4 Wisdom)
General Behavior
Giving good advice to a fellow hengeyokai (2 Wisdom)
Mediating a dispute fairly and impartially (3 Virtue)
Keeping one's promises (1 Virtue)
Being truthful (1 Virtue)
Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity (4 Virtue)
Behaving with proper protocol (2 Virtue)
Telling a good story at an Assembly (1 Glory, 1 Wisdom)
Telling a true epic at an Assembly, one that is later retold by others (2 Glory, 1 Virtue, 3 Wisdom)
Telling an epic that is entered into the Jade Scrolls (3 Glory, 4 Virtue, 5 Wisdom)
Healing a fellow hengeyokai (non-sentai member) selflessly (1 Wisdom)
Showing mercy to a wayward hengeyokai (2 Wisdom)
Protecting a helpless hengeyokai (4 Virtue)
Protecting a helpless human (2 Virtue)
Protecting a helpless animal (especially of the same Breed) (5 Virtue)
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime (who is later proved innocent) (4 Virtue, 2 Wisdom)
Death while defending your sentai (5 Glory, 5 Virtue)
Death in sacrifice to the Emerald Mother (7 Glory, 7 Virtue)
Giving bad advice (-1 Virtue, -2 Wisdom)
Mediating a dispute unfairly (-5 Virtue)
Failing to keep one's promises (-4 Virtue)
Being deceptive (depends on Changing Breed) (-3 Virtue)
Being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity (depending on Breed) (-1 Virtue)
Any time trickery backfires (-2 Wisdom)
Behaving without proper etiquette (-2 Virtue)
Attempting to act outside one's Auspice, openly (depending on circumstance) (-1 to -5 Virtue)
Speaking dishonorably to one's elders (depending on the severity) (-2 to -7 Virtue)
Speaking without permission at an Assembly (-2 Virtue)
Speaking poorly of the hengeyokai at whole (-2 Virtue)
Speaking poorly of one's Auspice (-3 Virtue)
Speaking poorly of one's Changing Breed (-5 Virtue)
Speaking poorly of one's own sentai (-6 Virtue)
Speaking poorly of another Changing Breed (depending on circumstance) (-1 Virtue)
"Crying Wolf" (i.e., summoning the warriors of the Court when there is no real and present danger) (-5 Virtue)
Not protecting a helpless hengeyokai (-5 Virtue)
Not protecting a helpless human (-1 Virtue)
Not protecting a helpless animal (especially of the same Breed) (-6 Virtue)
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime (who is later proven guilty) (-4 Virtue, -2 Wisdom)
Character suffers a berserk frenzy (-2 Wisdom)
Character suffers a fox frenzy (-1 Glory, -2 Wisdom)
Character suffers a fox frenzy, abandoning his sentai or Court-mates in time of need (-3 Glory, -3 Virtue, -3 Wisdom)
Character suffers a frenzy and injures Courtmates (-1 Glory, -3 Virtue, -3 Wisdom)
The character was in the Thrall of the Wyrm (-3 Virtue, -4 Wisdom)
The character performed heinous acts while in the Thrall of the Wyrm (-6 Virtue, -5 Wisdom)
Human Kinfolk & Relations
Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk (1 Virtue/year, 2 Wisdom/year)
Choosing a mate and breeding properly (3 Wisdom)
Honorably mated (2 Virtue/year)
Protecting the Veil (4 Virtue)
Repairing the Veil (covering up an instance that could reveal the hengeyokai to humans) (3 Virtue, 1 Wisdom)
Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk (-3 Wisdom)
Choosing a mate, but not breeding (-1 Wisdom)
Harming/rending the Veil (-4 Virtue, -1 Wisdom)
Renown Awards/Penalties by Changing Breed
The Storyteller should arbitrate his Renown awards and losses depending on the character's Changing Breed. Each Breed holds different activities in higher or lesser esteem and Renown reflects accordingly, even within the multi-Breed Beast-Courts. As a general guide, assume the following bonuses and penalties apply to the Changing Breeds listed under each category. In every event, the difference is only +1/-1 Renown.
Combat & Encounters: Garou, Nezumi, Same-Bito
Detecting the Centipede: Bastet, Nagah, Tengu
Mystical: Kitsune, Tengu, Zhong Lung
Rites & Gifts: Nagah, Zhong Lung
Fetishes: none
Dragon Nest Activities: none
Hengeyokai and Shen Society & Relations: none
General Behavior: Kitsune, Nagah
Human Kinfolk & Relations: none
Note again that these are general guidelines. Storytellers may feel free to alter any Renown awards they want. Often, the Changing Breed supplements offer alternative means for a particular Breed to gain (or lose) Renown, and these sources may be employed as well if appropriate even for the Path of Emerald Virtue. Staying true to one's Breed is expected in the Beast-Courts.