Sons of Liberty


Some of the Union’s ultimate goals hinge on how the Technocracy in New York City, Symposium #L101, executes its plans. Nicknamed “Leo” for the local agents’ fierce and dedicated actions, the entire Technocracy watches this Symposium. Neck-deep in local and global commerce, industry, and politics, from Wall Street to the United Nations, Symposium #L101 is ready and eager to take on all opposition, be it Sleeper or Reality Deviant.

No one talks about stress reduction here. Every agent realizes that being in this city brings much responsibility. Other Symposiums around the world are watching. They must set good examples. They must show the rest of the Union how to do it, how to complete the Inner Council’s timetables.

And the final liberation of humanity begins when the City That Never Sleeps really does never sleep. It starts when all threats to the Union’s dominion are purged. It dawns when humanity’s safety and security is not at question. And the lions of the Technocracy are the ones to affect that reality, and this town may be the decisive battlefield of the Ascension War.


All standard Protocols are observed, and the Precepts of Damian are pursued as conservatively interpreted as possible. The agents in this city must set examples. Of course, it’s a big city with big problems. If a good agent strays from standard Protocols now and then, they won’t necessarily be as punished harshly as a reckless fool would be.

The Pogrom

Security is always on high alert in the Big Apple. There is just too much at stake. While the Pogrom is not eagerly pursued, the Symposium neither hesitates to unleash hell on any little pack or coven or whatever of RDs that starts shit with them. This is New York City and the citizenry need the subconscious reassurance of security. They need uncompromising Men in Black and cybernetic killing machines. The boys in blue can handle the common criminals and out-of-line Mafiosi. When it comes to vampires and werewolves and wild sorcerers, Symposium #L101 doesn’t hesitate to teach the wolves that shepherds don’t carry staffs anymore. The shepherds tote high-caliber, armor-piercing, Prime-charged automatic weapons.

Special Events

Special events are annual (or more frequent) holidays or special ritual days that the main group or groups observe as a whole community. Attendance and participation is often expected of all members, and sometimes required.

Grand Tour
Once per year, starting on August 3rd and lasting a week until the 10th, the Union in New York encourages all faculty to acquaint themselves fully with their vast urban protectorate. Alone or preferably in pairs or groups, Technocrats are asked to tour the whole city. Not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs and Long Island, hitting up all the important sites (touristy or not). Veterans are encouraged to escort new members of the Symposium.

“So many languish in the darkness. We must show them the light of the new day.”

-- Janus Lex, Control of Symposium #L101