Amalgam B32X: Kitakai


Balance -- an ancient concept spiraled completely out of control. In the name of harmony, dangerous beliefs are allowed to persist. For the sake of social and cultural equilibrium, outmoded elements that are destructive to mankind are given free reign. Only the Technocracy understands humanity's true role in the world today. Metaphysical doctrines are transformed and evolved into functional philosophies of modern culture. True harmony could result only in mankind's reinforced security. To that end, extraneous and outmoded powers had to be removed -- the so-called shen and the superstitionists of the old banners.

The Kitakai amalgam was formed to track the migrations of Reality Deviants from the Orient. Aliens from the East, the American Technocracy could not puzzle through the nature and details of these Oriental supernaturals. So an amalgam was dispatched from the Zaibatsu to advise and aid in the suppression of this growing menace. All that matters is to maintain control. Total destruction is not necessary.

But it is a new age. The future is now. Get with the program…or get out of the way.

OOC Overview

The Kitakai Amalgam Fringe Troupe is for Asian Technocracy characters. The main books used are the Guide to the Technocracy and this supplementary webbook, Five Metal Dragons. When creating one's character, the character must be made with starting level statistics. However, the character gets a bonus of ten extra freebies. These points are especially meant for the purchase of the Enhancements Background. But these ten points do not have to be spent on any Enhancements at all. Any Convention and Methodology is allowed (though think carefully before making a space marine…this doesn't take place in space!). The only Trait particularly restricted, in fact, is the Node Background. One other vital note: all characters begin with a Social Conditioning rating of 3! (Players may opt for higher scores to fill out a character concept, but not lower.)

However, the main concept element to bear in mind for this Fringe Troupe is that to be a member of the amalgam (and participate in all the plotlines), the Technocrat must hail from the Zaibatsu: the Japanese branch of the Technocracy. Secondaries can hail from other parts of the Far East, and can also include local Citizens and unEnlightened members of the Union. As always though, approval of Secondaries is not guaranteed, and based on a case-by-case scenario.

Enhancement Rules: This Fringe Troupe uses slightly different rules on the purchase of Enhancements. For starters, players pay one dot/freebie point per level of Enhancement (not two), whether cybernetic or genetic. Secondly, characters get permanent Paradox from Enhancements only if the nature of the Enhancements' Effects are considered "vulgar magick". Enhancements that employ Effects with only "coincidental magick" evoke no permanent Paradox.

Cybernetic vs. Genetic: Enhancements are basically Devices installed in a person's body. Cybernetic implants are surgically added. Therefore, they can be surgically removed… Genetic Enhancements are written into the person's DNA, and he was likely born (manufactured?) with them. This likely means he was somebody's science experiment! They cannot be removed from the person (except perhaps by Procedures of Life 5). However, even coincidental Genetic Enhancements carry Genetic Flaws -- one Flaw per Enhancement (not per level of Enhancement!). The more potent the Effect of the Enhancement, the worse the Flaw should be. This holds true for Paradox Flaws, as well. (Note: a Genetic Enhancement with vulgar Effects has both a Genetic Flaw attached and a Paradox Flaw. There's a reason the Progenitors keep their freaks locked away in the labs.)

The Absence of Evil

In 2002, the Zaibatsu sent a few of its promising young agents to meet the demand of advisers in Kansas City's booming Little Asia district. Some agents were analysts and other soldiers, but all had use for this task. Once they were all introduced, the codename for their amalgam was assigned: Kitakai. A corruption of the name of a Socialist reformer from the 1950s, the amalgam would represent a meritocratic regime of go-getters and victors, not underlings and sycophants.

Soon after their arrival to the city, the TAT tragedy occurred. Due to the number of Union Citizens murdered, the amalgam -- like all good Technocrats -- were disgusted and outraged. So the Kitakai pursued an investigation into Little Asia's Muslim community. Clues yielded an Al-Qaida cell's base in the city. The amalgam struck hard -- and discovered that Arab superstitionists were involved. Already the Kitakai was proving its value to the local Symposium. So they were next dispatched in Little Asia to try and acquire an accurate record of Reality Deviants. They were to catalog all the RDs encountered. The Kitakai set to this new task with sharp and fervent attention…

By the Book

Amalgam Kitakai obeys the Seven Laws of Shanking and the six Mission Protocols to a tee. It is vital that the amalgam sets a good example for their comrades back in Asia.

However, the amalgam also obeys a standing order. A specific Protocol is observed for daily routine and mission priorities. Due to the mysterious and powerful alliances of Reality Deviants in Little Asia, the Pogrom is not all-out pursued. Contingency Two is maintained for all Reality Deviants in the Little Asia district, including the superstitionist mages -- observe and evaluate only.

This may change in the future. For now, the RDs seem to be interested in maintaining quiet, submissive activities. Some seem genuinely interested in benefiting mankind. While they must all be destroyed ultimately, the Union would rather expend resources on serious threats first. The "benevolent" RDs can be excised later.