Voodoo Games


Lost in their own world, the Awakened in New Orleans are focused especially on their own Paths. Everyone must walk their own roads, after all, and because everyone’s perceptions are different, only the smallest amount of insight from another person can be of real assistance. Neither villains nor heroes, these mysticks avoid most other peoples of the Big Easy.

With dark and even dreary clouds hanging over the city, the mages’ own works are unsurprisingly so colored. They keep to themselves, trucking mainly with the other supernatural beings of the city. The plight of the Masses concerns few, but neither did the success and fortune of the Sleepers interest the Awakened during New Orleans’ heyday. There may be evil afoot in New Orleans, but these sorcerers care little, save how it concerns their individual roads to Ascension. This discompassionate attitude certainly does not endear them to the general public, if that public even knew of their existence. While the voudouns of the city pursue their shadowy ways, the folk struggle with their own common lives, hoping the witches and ghosts alike leave them be. For their part, the Awakened of both the Chantry of Shadowsouls and the Breath of Badé are happy to do so.

Chantries' Policies

The Chantry of Shadowsouls upholds all Tradition protocols, including the Rule of Shade. It is a serious collective of magi, and such rules helps keep everyone on the right track. Even the Hollow Ones in the chantry obey (most of) these rules. The Breath of Badé, on the other hand, is comprised solely of Bata’a. And they don’t give a sliver of coffinwood for the “rules” of the Council of Nine. This powerful voodoo Craft tolerates the Tradition chantry in New Orleans, mainly because those mages keep to themselves. The Bata’a are quite powerful in New Orleans, namely the Orage Family. Their only rules are respect for one’s seniors and all the loa (gods and spirits), and loyalty to the family. So long as those rules are upkept, all behavior falls into its rightful place, they feel.

Special Events

Special events are annual (or more frequent) holidays or special ritual days that the main group or groups observe as a whole community. Attendance and participation is often expected of all members, and sometimes required.

Mardi Gras
While there are plenty of events in and around New Orleans everyday of the year, nothing strikes with more importance and vitality and vastness than Mardi Gras. For the Awakened, it serves as more than a holiday full of debauchery and symbolism. The Gauntlet falls, Mythic Threads run wild, and mysticks’ power reaches its height. Mardi Gras’s dates vary from year to year, as it is bound to Easter (the Tuesday six weeks before Easter).

“What mojo, what mjane, what self-effacing truth, can now deny the power of the gods? Only misery, sorrow, and utter failure await the folly of such denial, and we shall witness much more before final revelations are heard.”

-- Mama Rosaire d’Orage, Mambo of the Breath of Badé