Shadow of the Rock


The majority of wraiths in San Francisco call themselves freewraiths, paying only lip service to the Hierarchy claiming dominion of this necropolis. Some actually join organizations that oppose Stygia. But besides individual freewraiths with no real allegiance, the Hierarchy is the most powerful force in San Francisco’s Shadowlands today.

The Legion of Paupers claims the necropolis of San Francisco, due to the number of unrecorded gold rushers, pioneers, hippies, tramps, and homeless folk who died mysteriously over the years. The center of the Hierarchy’s power is founded on Alcatraz, also known as the Citadel of Inescapable Fate. Because of its history as a notorious prison, the common Restless populace sometimes believes that the Hierarchy is actively trying to ground them all down into submission. This inspires rebellious behaviors and more Renegade actions. The truth is, the Anacreons are quite lax in their rule and enforcement of the Dictum Mortuum. This is thanks to the wisest and oldest Anacreon of the seven appointed, Stoffel van Dresden, whose word rules them all despite the intended balance of power. The other Anacreons can object…they just usually don’t, out of respect and not fear.

The East Bay is largely ignored by the Hierarchy, giving the Renegades and freaks free reign (and no Legion protection from spectral threats!). The North Bay is rural and home to far fewer wraiths. South of the bay, however, bears more interest, especially the city of Colma, where a cemetery containing many Old West heroes lies. Here a Marshal was appointed with a healthy number of Legionnaires and other bureaucrats, since the place is not as resilient to Tempests and attacks as other strongholds.

The most common punishment doled out, and only for obscene and disgraceful breaking of the Dictum Mortuum (such as exposing the existence of the Restless to the Quick), is enthrallment and/or imprisonment in Alcatraz. Only the most notorious criminals are ever sent to the soulforges (located in Silicon Valley’s Shadowland reflections).

There are a few other groups in the necropolis. Among Heretics, the Children of the Green are the most influential, and they’re to be found around Berkeley or even haunting the North Bay. The Cult of Bacchus may also be found in the wine country north of the city, seeking ways to get themselves drunk even while dead.

For Renegades, the Sundered Cats of Oakland are a feared gang of African-American wraiths who once membered (or wanted to join) the Black Panthers political movement. StormRiders also rip through the necropolis on occasion, usually on their way to the necropoli of Seattle or Los Angeles. Several Guilds are represented in the area, especially the Chanteurs and Sandmen. But it is the Artificers based out of Silicon Valley that hold the most sway (and oboli), thanks to their alliance with the Iron Kingdom.

One group that is perhaps the most dire threat to Stygia is well entrenched and hidden in the mysterious Shadowlands of Chinatown. Here agents of Qin Shihuang wait and gather information and intelligence on the Hierarchy and the local Restless. They are the spearheads of the Jade Kingdom’s own Great Step Outward, a future bid to conquer all the Kingdoms of the Dead. In honor of their Emperor’s inevitable future victory, their shrewd and cautious leader named their wraithly family the Outpost of the Burning Fleet.