Bourbon Street Blues


It should be noted that the fae have a natural tendency to shift between their Seelie and Unseelie Legacies on whim. And when a changeling is in her opposite Legacy, she can seem to profess loyalty to that Legacy’s Court with her every word or action. When determining one’s Court, the Legacy that the character favors is usually the best way of telling. When submitting your character’s name for the TUGs roster, please list whether she is (dominantly) Seelie, Unseelie, or Gallain. Please also list if she is noble or commoner. For the purpose of this roster listing, “noble” includes vassalage to a noble, even if one is not Sained a noble (e.g., a noble Household’s Thane).

There are very few limitations for the BSB. Multi-sorcerers should be avoided. If your character demonstrates Chicanery 5, Sovereign 5, Naming 5, and Wayfare 5, you will probably be asked to change that or leave the TUG. That’s just too much!

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the BSB. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Kith, title) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is helpful for this).

Adrian Osgood (Cam)
Angel Osgood (Cam)
Carisha Upham (Cam)
Driscoll MacDarach (Cam)
Flint Maddison (Cam)
Fraser Upham (Cam)
Jasra al-Sattar (Cam)
Kaliq Harb (Cam)
Maylee Kroyer (Cam)
Millie Dawson (Cam)
Nayeli Earle (Cam)
Sally Vive (Cam)
Vashti Melchior (Cam)

Angelique Roe (Sammi)
Alice Hammond (Cam)
Chloe Stuarts (Cam)
Dealla Duibhir (Cam)
Eithne Eanraic (Cam)
Elise Crozier (Cam)
Emma Nightflower (Matt)
Honora Roumain (Cam)
Kara Garrity (Cam)
Loiza Honzi (Cam)
Marcus Bond (Cam)
Nuala Brennon (Cam)
Paulette Piaget (Cam)
Peigin Phoil (Cam)
Portia Longstreet (Cam)
Sinead Spaelain (Cam)
Tamrissa Darkstaff (Matt)
Tyrone Signes (Cam)

Alena Ahrens (Cam)
Anise Saint Juste (Cam)
Ansley Gibson (Cam)
Ashlyn Depp (Cam)
Attila Sands (Cam)
Briques Grosvenor (Cam)
Bruno Dee (Cam)
Daye Johnson (Cam)
Fillin O'Connor (Cam)
Freida Uttley (Cam)
Harlowe Armstrong (Cam)
Hodge Overton (Cam)
Jeb Smart (Cam)
Lizette Coffey (Cam)
Lizzi Hendrix (Cam)
Marcel Shawe (Cam)
Marcie Markoe (Cam)
Peggy Peirce (Cam)
Raven Pittman (Cam)
Roch Otes (Cam)
Scott Pearson (Cam)
Sorrell Deeny (Cam)
Ursula Long (Cam)
Violet Reading (Cam)
Wanda Dame (Cam)
Zavion Mercado (Cam)
Zuleika Nader (Cam)

Calantha Bellamour (Cam)
Dehlila Bellamour (Cam)
Françoise Deloffre (Cam)
Irida Stana (Cam)
Kensley Glovner (Cam)
Krista Mooney (Cam)
Landon Devereux (Cam)
Raziel Varos (Cam)
Stephen Hathaway (Cam)
Tiffanie Coughlin (Cam)
Vangelis Onesiphoros (Cam)
Vesna Zlatan (Cam)
Vildana Kadić (Cam)

Alanna Hood (Cam)
Ciarda Hood (Cam)
Cilonga Gwazi (Cam)
Dachs Rogers (Cam)
Dahlia Hood (Cam)
Emma Hood (Cam)
Gor Lodi (Cam)
Halim Ijendu (Cam)
Inola Usti (Cam)
Ituha Tallsmoke (Cam)
Julia Dust (Cam)
Liv Margit (Cam)
Lola Hood (Cam)
Madukaife Ndidi (Cam)
Miley Blaire (Cam)
Saoirse Hood (Cam)
Too Tooantuh (Cam)
Ulandra Hood (Cam)

Kinain & the Enchanted
Alvin Ingles (Cam)
Briana Mcleod (Cam)
Keith Mogue (Cam)
Orrell Sedley (Cam)
Pennie Lebas (Cam)
Petrina Lambridi (Cam)
Quaid Masters (Cam)
Sel Kahveci (Cam)
Serenity Sharpe (Cam)
Solène Lemaigre (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that all four are powerful warriors and sorcerers with various forms of great influence. No stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

  • Dacey Rousteer (Keeper of Caer Demery/Commoner Pooka)
  • Edmund Garrick (Baron of Caer Glowar/Dougal Sidhe)
  • Ithel Jenkins (Duke of Caer Annick/Eiluned Sidhe)
  • Vivian Modron (Countess of Caer Fluria/Fiona Sidhe)

  • Benedict Bradaigh (Baron of Cat Levia/Ailil Sidhe)
  • Margot Beauregard (Countess of Cat Barrowse/Leanhaun Sidhe)

  • Errikos (King of Ur’aucolé/Syrinx Merman)

    Motleys, Households, & Oathcircles

    The formation of any kind of group in the Bourbon Street Blues game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) oathcircles instead of random characters.

    Name: La Salle Motley -- Adrian Osgood, Angel Osgood, Sally Vive, Maylee Kroyer, Alena Ahrens, Daye Johnson; Serenity Sharpe
    Description -- Commoners, wilders, high school kids, embark together on serious quests.

    Name: Gothique -- Ashlyn Depp; Pennie Lebas, Sel Kahveci; Quillan Sloane; Jili Hedger, Sharmaine Poultney, Ka Jin-Ryung
    Description -- Gothy teens with the oversight of a peculiar Prodigal mage of the Merinita tradition.

    Name: Spit on Fate -- Fraser Upham, Driscoll MacDarach, Flint Maddison, Carisha Upham
    Description -- A jazzcore band. Fresh talent welcome.

    Name: Dawn-Takers -- Hodge Overton, Bruno Dee, Zuleika Nader, Millie Dawson, Chloe Stuarts, Freida Uttley; Quaid Masters, Briana Mcleod; Newton Bright
    Description -- The scary side of fae -- takers, kidnappers, monsters on the edge. Worse, they compare notes.

    Name: Madichon Mouye -- Briques Grosvenor, Ciarda Hood, Alanna Hood, Emma Hood, Lola Hood, Saoirse Hood, Ulandra Hood, Dahlia Hood; Solène Lemaigre
    Description -- A Blackcap has mastered powerful Arts and begun "fishing up" mermaids to enthrall to his dark will.

    Name: Nouveau Milieu -- Fillin O’Connor, Jeb Smart, Roch Otes, Marcel Shawe, Zavion Mercado, Elise Crozier, Raven Pittman, Marcie Markoe; Keith Mogue
    Description -- The Creole mob has Unseelie sponsorship.

    Name: Festering -- Lizette Coffey, Anise Saint Juste, Paulette Piaget, Lizzi Hendrix
    Description -- A motley of dangerous, even murderous Kithain.

    Name: Hydraulics & Steamers Guild -- Harlowe Armstrong, Peggy Peirce, Ansley Gibson, Sorrell Deeny, Scott Pearson; Alvin Ingles
    Description -- A circle of Nocker artisans, craftsmen, tinkerers, and foul-mouthed nerds.

    Name: Silver Plexus -- Attila Sands, Kaliq Harb, Jasra al-Sattar, Portia Longstreet, Honora Roumain, Nayeli Earle; Foster Hume
    Description -- Advisors, soothsayers, truthsayers – they want the best for all Kithain and dreamers.

    Name: Cloud Nine -- Tamrissa Darkstaff, Emma Nightflower, Wanda Dame
    Description -- In the French Quarter, this famous cafe is home to a small but influential Beaumayn household.

    Name: House Videll -- Marcus Bond, Kara Garrity, Angelique Roe, Tyrone Signes, Landon Devereux, Nuala Brennon, Vashti Melchior
    Description -- The son of King Greyhawk operates a cadet household abroad to hone his command, and gathers many allies to his beloved banner.

    Name: House Trois -- Dehlila Bellamour, Calantha Bellamour, Alice Hammond, Raziel Varos, Stephen Hathaway, Vangelis Onesiphoros, Vesna Zlatan, Ursula Long, Tiffanie Coughlin; Petrina Lambridi
    Description -- The personal fellowship of noble allies, yes men, and bodyguards serve Queen Dehlila directly.

    Name: Banner of the Pentagram Blade -- Kensley Glovner, Françoise Deloffre, Irida Stana, ,Vildana Kadić, Krista Mooney
    Description -- Queen Dehlila's finest knights and protectors gather under a single banner, determined to keep her small but potent kingdom carved out of Willows.

    Name: Marfoiri -- Dealla Duibhir, Peigin Phoil, Eithne Eanraic, Sinead Spaelain
    Description -- An Oathcircle, or really a hit squad, of Scathach bad-asses zeroing in on the Formorians and their corrupt and loyal assets.

    Name: Coral Nadir Shoal -- Julia Dust, Dachs Rogers, Liv Margit, Miley Blaire
    Description -- The wicked Sea Witch of the South Seas manipulates those within her grasp to do her dark bidding.

    Name: African Union Olympics Training Squad -- Cilonga Gwazi, Gor Lodi, Halim Ijendu, Madukaife Ndidi
    Description -- This motley of Emere are bound together to represent Africa and make connections with the Kithain abroad.

    Name: Medley of Verity -- Ituha Tallsmoke, Too Tooantuh, Inola Usti; Orrell Sedley
    Description -- Nunnehi form a motley to remedy their folk on the delta.