Chantries that Never Sleep


Joining the Tourmalae Chantry, the Glass Lightning Chantry, or the Court of Whispering Leaves, is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Masters. IC, one can assume much background referencing and checking is performed to insure a spy or psycho isn't allowed into the sanctuary. That includes the prevention of Technocrat, Marauder, and Nephandi spies. When submitting one's character's name to be added to the TUGs roster, please include only his Tradition.

The only limitations are in the core Advantages: no Masters or characters with Arete exceeding 5 will be allowed. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the chantry are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run).

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the CNS. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Tradition, Rank) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is one method).

Tourmalae Chantry
Abishai Schmidt (Cam)
Allen Hemmel (Cam)
Amery Dickens (Cam)
Annelili Rohde (Cam)
Ashe Cawthorne (Cam)
Audrey Balcomb (Cam)
Augustine May (Cam)
Avel Duke (Cam)
Barry Randolph (Cam)
Basil Lorde (Cam)
Castor King (Cam)
Coreen Gobinet (Cam)
Corina Eos (Cam)
Deeandra Aponius (Cam)
Eleanor Kalogeron (Cam)
Eveleen Cilian (Cam)
Eydis Huld (Cam)
Garfield Humbleton (Cam)
Garland Patridge (Cam)
Gavin Brode (Cam)
Grover Waybright (Cam)
Hilary Strange (Cam)
Irina Westbrook (Cam)
Jalon Yunis (Cam)
Jamilla Unaiza (Cam)
Kristina Calhoun (Cam)
Lilit Aramian (Cam)
Magdalena Schiller (Cam)
Maria Frede (Cam)
Murasakino Yusueda (Kami)
Nevin Demille (Cam)
Ottilie "Tilly" Ildiko (Cam)
Renee Cyprien (Cam)
Roxanne Balcomb (Cam)
Sayge Woodrum (Cam)
Sevda Boz (Cam)
Shayla Simpson (Cam)
Shelton Leonardo (Cam)
Shristi Mehrotra (Cam)
Stewart Moore (Cam)
Summer Solas (Cam)
William McMahon (Cam)
Zared Dor (Cam)

Glass Lightning Chantry
Acer Glick (Cam)
Albert Wilcox (Cam)
Basim Sajjadi (Cam)
Bridger Pope (Cam)
Burgundy Bleh (Cam)
Caleb Lazard (Cam)
Cassia Fonseca (Cam)
Cata Campas (Cam)
Damara Bosse (Cam)
Dexter Reed (Cam)
Elisabet Elvira (Cam)
Enzo Moroni (Cam)
Halley Cochran (Cam)
Hamilton Lawry (Cam)
Heath Lambert (Cam)
Jaspyr Deuters (Cam)
Joseph Sadler (Cam)
Lamai Dabaransi (Cam)
Lamar Dufour (Cam)
Lucy Seward (Cam)
Samir ibn Wahid al-Qasim (Cam)
Tereza Vanzina (Cam)
Vanda Falzone (Cam)

Court of Whispering Leaves
Agung Cika Sri (Cam)
Bachok Hijau Kemuning (Cam)
Batanaran Khan (Cam)
Bintang Ungu Bong-Su (Cam)
Biru Masayu (Cam)
Danang Numa Kembang (Cam)
Dawa Manriwa (Cam)
Kamal Nikhilman (Cam)
Lanang Seri Sadong (Cam)
Rajeev Kumar (Cam)
Uda Suriani (Cam)
Yaoshi Gen (Cam)

Tourmalae Custos
Jude Phillips (Cam)

Glass Lightning Custos
Johanna Boyle (Cam)

Whispering Leaves Custos
Sharon Gallagher (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that all eight are Masters but no stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline. Note that many times over on this webpage, mention of “permission of the Masters” has been made. This is simply a reference to the OOC freedom of players who may wish to modestly run those NPCs to host or participate in certain individuals’ Storylines (see more below about Storytelling).

  • Abraham Forbes bani Fortunea (Order of Hermes/Entropy)
  • Bruce Josce bani Tytalus (Order of Hermes/Forces & Mind)
  • Chanah Winters (Celestial Chorus/Prime)
  • Ned Booker (Sons of Ether/Matter)

    Glass Lightning
  • Cyrus Lew (Hollow Ones/Spirit)
  • Isiah Sturm (Virtual Adepts/Correspondence)
  • Jennifer Amery (Cult of Ecstasy/Time)

    Whispering Leaves
  • Danny Xiaobo (Akashic Brotherhood/Mind)


    The formation of cabals in these three chantries is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) cabals instead of random characters.

    Name: Fiat Voluntas -- Abishai Schmidt, Augustine May, Magdalena Schiller, Maria Frede, Renee Cyprien
    Description -- A Chorister cabal centered on bringing the Will of God to the Masses.

    Name: Deus Vult -- Barry Randolph, Corina Eos, Gavin Brode, Zared Dor; Simone Bier
    Description -- A Chorister cabal with a focus on defense and investigations of mankind’s enemies.

    Name: Verbo Caeli -- Irina Westbrook, Nevin Demille, Grover Waybright, Audrey Balcomb, Roxanne Balcomb, Summer Solas
    Description -- A Hermetic cabal specializing in making the mundane magical.

    Name: Ekrixi -- Avel Duke, Basil Lorde, Eveleen Cilian, Garland Patridge, Jamilla Unaiza, Allen Hemmel, Sevda Boz
    Description -- A Hermetic cabal of elemental might.

    Name: Materia -- Castor King, Shelton Leonardo, Kristina Calhoun
    Description -- A Hermetic cabal specialized in technomancy.

    Name: Chrysus -- Garfield Humbleton, Hilary Strange, Shayla Simpson, Annelili Rohde; Sarah Humbleton; Kitt Kellie
    Description -- The Humbleton-Strange clan revels in how its wealth and stature can mask the classic rot under the inscribed golden plaques.

    Name: Voices of Yore -- Coreen Gobinet, Deeandra Aponius, Eydis Huld, Jalon Yunis, Ottilie Ildiko, William McMahon, Shristi Mehrotra, Murasakino Yusueda
    Description -- A Thanatoic cabal primarily of Aided and Hierochthonoi.

    Name: Mind Dancers -- Stewart Moore, Amery Dickens, Ashe Cawthorne, Sayge Woodrum, Lilit Aramian; Jude Phillips
    Description -- A mixed cabal interested in manipulating the mind to (mostly) benevolent ends.

    Name: Trojan Horsemen -- Acer Glick, Albert Wilcox, Dexter Reed, Joseph Sadler, Lucy Seward, Halley Cochran, Lamai Dabaransi, Jaspyr Deuters, Basim Sajjadi
    Description -- A cabal of technomancers, predominantly Virtual Adepts, with an aggressive outlook.

    Name: Metaphysical Investigation Team 2.0 -- Bridger Pope, Caleb Lazard, Enzo Moroni, Lamar Dufour; Uttu Sin-Ku-Ningal
    Description -- A team of "ghost buster" Verditius Hermetics and allies--as well as a ghost they should have "busted" but has become their unofficial, dark, and secret sponsor.

    Name: Redressers -- Vanda Falzone, Tereza Vanzina, Elisabet Elvira, Cata Campas, Cassia Fonseca
    Description -- A cabal of Etherite Adventurers who use their talents to become larger-than-life heroes like comic book champions.

    Name: Ship-in-a-Bottle -- Burgundy Bleh, Hamilton Lawry, Heath Lambert, Samir ibn Wahid al-Qasim; Johanna Boyle
    Description -- A mixed cabal of modest attitude masking incredible and secret potential.

    Name: Jade Family Rally -- Batanaran Khan, Kamal Nikhilman, Rajeev Kumar, Yaoshi Gen, Dawa Manriwa; Sharon Gallagher
    Description -- A mixed cabal of chi’n ta and their guests out of Chinatown.

    Name: Tok Teri -- Bachok Hijau Kemuning, Biru Masayu, Danang Numa Kembang, Agung Cika Sri, Uda Suriani, Bintang Ungu Bong-Su, Lanang Seri Sadong
    Description -- These Gam Lung seek to accrue wealth for the Tradition while perfecting their physical forms. What better way to do that than showing off on the Internet as cam-girls?