Fearless Dreaming


It should be noted that the fae have a natural tendency to shift between their Seelie and Unseelie Legacies on whim. And when a changeling is in her opposite Legacy, she can seem to profess loyalty to that Legacy’s Court with her every word or action. When determining one’s Court, the Legacy that the character favors is usually the best way of telling. When submitting your character’s name for the TUGs roster, please list whether she is (dominantly) Seelie, Unseelie, or Gallain. Please also list if she is noble or commoner. For the purpose of this roster listing, “noble” includes vassalage to a noble, even if one is not Sained a noble (e.g., a noble Household’s Thane).

There are very few limitations for the FLD. Multi-sorcerers should be avoided. If your character demonstrates Chicanery 5, Sovereign 5, Naming 5, and Wayfare 5, you will probably be asked to change that or leave the TUG. That’s just too much!

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the FLD. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Kith, title) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is helpful for this).

Audrie Lords (Cam)
Avalonna "Lonna" Row (Cam)
Bronwen Fuller (Cam)
Cadi Gibbens (Cam)
Callie Stevenson (Cam)
Cherrie Craven (Cam)
Eamon Buckler (Cam)
Fulke Mathers (Cam)
Galen Ashmore (Cam)
Jaleis Schattenstern (Matt)
Julianna "Jules" Wright (Cam)
Lauren Early (Cam)
Liam Dalby (Cam)
Lyric Larson (Cam)
Mika Rolph (Cam)
Minu Chetti (Cam)
Ned Seaberg (Cam)
Samira Rostami (Cam)
Sunny O’Dae (Sammi)
Sylvester Burgess (Cam)
Taffy Plasse (Cam)
Tannering Unger (Cam)
Taqiyya min Bahr (Cam)
Zeena el-Eid (Cam)

Abrianna Cunningham (Cam)
Alastair Middleton (Cam)
Andrea Citron (Cam)
Ariela Samhradh (Cam)
Autumn Shipp (Cam)
Bronte Gill (Cam)
Caera Buchanan (Cam)
Cillian Ultan (Cam)
Courtney Manson (Cam)
Dalila Gaddis (Cam)
Darla Beasleigh (Cam)
Felicia Delany (Cam)
Floyd Lannon (Cam)
Griffin McTormey (Cam)
Gwen Coyle (Cam)
Heather Chapeau (Cam)
Hollie McClellan (Cam)
Juliana Oates (Cam)
Karen Edwards (Cam)
Lon Ember (Cam)
Madison Gavrell (Cam)
Malina Maytin (Cam)
Nia Madock (Cam)
Oberon Martinet (Cam)
Otsuka Otoko (Cam)
Regina Attenberry (Cam)
Shannon Ransford (Cam)
Sofia Citron (Cam)
Stephanie Clarke (Cam)
Sueoka Someko (Cam)
Tiana Kennedy (Cam)
Tsunematsu Tsumako (Cam)
Watanuki Chitako (Cam)
Yamashita Yaeko (Cam)

Axel Shallum (Cam)
Bailie Weiss (Cam)
Balthasar Rane (Cam)
Benji Black (Cam)
Brinley Blackwell (Cam)
Daren Bierce (Cam)
Daven Byrnes (Cam)
Felicitie Reinhart (Cam)
Fyodor Kolmogorov (Cam)
Hayley Vaughan (Mai-p)
Karimé Belton (Cam)
Karlton Britton (Cam)
Ozzie Payton (Cam)
Randy Rake (Cam)
Tolby Teigue (Cam)
Tyche Haight (Cam)
Xylia Foad (Cam)
Yasmin Farley (Cam)

Abigail Green (Cam)
Ayla Becker (Cam)
Blythe Knowsley (Cam)
Bridget Duvessa (Cam)
Brigitte Causing (Cam)
Cerys Macnamara (Cam)
Davina Birch (Cam)
Erin Wallister (Cam)
Goliath Biras (Cam)
Holly Roff (Cam)
Ivy Van Ness (Cam)
Leticia Rowbottom (Cam)
Linden Sanford (Cam)
Lisa Eastley (Cam)
Oona Bircher (Cam)
Ophelia Strauss (Cam)
Piper Beattie (Cam)
Rayleigh Dunham (Cam)
Salima Gurkani (Cam)
Siofra Vaughan (Cam)
Sophie Sanford (Cam)
Tabitha Hecht (Cam)
Torrance Cleary (Cam)
Veronica Van Ness (Cam)
Zarya Nagaya (Cam)

Adaeze Osuma (Cam)
Alina Campbell (Cam)
Cagi Kumanjayi (Cam)
Chatima Mochni (Cam)
Elki Yelutci (Cam)
Ikem Buchi (Cam)
Iria Tapihana (Cam)
Kadence Day (Cam)
Kasa Lomahongva (Cam)
Laena Pickett (Cam)
Lawrence Temblador (Cam)
Liluyea Tupi (Cam)
Misu Delano (Cam)
Nika Casiguaya Jasmine (Cam)
Nils Samhradh (Cam)
Pariwana Huamanga-Ñaña (Cam)
Rhanni Fisher (Cam)
Riley Carroll (Cam)
Sahkyo Wanekia (Cam)
Salali Amadahy (Cam)
Sasa Longroad (Cam)
Talora Egan (Mai-p)
Tori Cummins (Cam)
Tusa Cheveyo (Cam)
Ula Morrigan (Cam)
Yewande Temitope (Cam)
Zahra Beck (Cam)

Amagawa Kioshi (Cam)
Chanvhira Monkoltham (Cam)
Engan Suzoyo (Cam)
Heiyumao Zunjing (Cam)
Huang Lifen (Cam)
Jifang Huiqing (Cam)
Joben Hie (Cam)
Karawek Preecha (Cam)
Kien Shuchen (Cam)
Kwok Li Pai (Cam)
Lei-Kong Witt (Cam)
Ly Nha Suong (Cam)
Mae-Khao Souvanatong (Cam)
Makaio Keobunta (Cam)
Moon Su-Dae (Cam)
Natee Nakpradith (Cam)
Quan Hai Vinh (Cam)
Rachanee Aduladej (Cam)
Shoda Mikka (Cam)
Suchitra Suttirat (Cam)
Ti Yaodai Jiandan (Cam)
Tsuge Ayao (Cam)
Tulaya Charoenkul (Cam)
Usha Shastri (Cam)
Uswa Abidi (Cam)
Wing Park (Cam)
Yokyo Fumio (Cam)
Zuomeng Shen-Du (Cam)

Kinain & the Enchanted
Ailene Udenberg (Cam)
Akemi Robinson (Cam)
Candy Orr (Cam)
Chelsea Chalk (Cam)
Everly Ware (Cam)
Eyden Birks (Cam)
Jaylani Soto (Cam)
Jojo Lowry (Cam)
Keegan Ormond (Cam)
Keelin Adger (Cam)
Kele Chavatangakwunua (Cam)
Kytzia Polk (Cam)
Liesel Bremaeker (Cam)
Lleweyn Madock (Cam)
Malaiyah Cordon (Cam)
Misty Goode (Cam)
Monique Carmichael (Cam)
Pixie Runyon (Cam)
Priscilla Ormond (Cam)
Raelynn Doherty (Cam)
Reagan Edson (Cam)
Shawna Coleman (Cam)
Shima Fields (Cam)
Shimizu Eriko (Cam)
Sophia McNeal (Cam)
Winifred "Winnie" Waters (Cam)
Wreyn Pickard (Cam)
Wynn Hubbard (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that all four are powerful warriors and sorcerers with various forms of great influence. No stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

  • Aeon Cassian (Duke of Caer Brucky/Fiona Sidhe)
  • Aoibhell Braith (Duchess of Caer Llanwedd/Liam Sidhe)
  • Desederius Seve (Count of Caer Amidio/Eiluned Sidhe)
  • Elias Sanford (Count of Caer Ogun/Fiona Eshu)
  • Erhardt Gozzo (Leader of the Arcadia Vines/Commoner Satyr)
  • Evaine Faustinne (Countess of Caer Aine/Eiluned Sidhe)
  • Harold diMarcos (Baron of Caer Redwood/Gwydion Sidhe)
  • Olwen Uriel (Duchess of Caer Lunara/Dougal Sidhe)
  • Stevie Winthrop (Owner of the Rising Rainbows/Commoner Sluagh)

  • Cassandra Pelles (Baroness of Cat Golia/Leanhaun Sidhe)
  • Ragger (Owner of the Richmond Playground/Commoner Boggan)
  • Vladimir Miron (Baron of Cat Windsor/Aesin Sidhe)

  • Bolin Quan (Regent of the Court of Golden Mist/Li Shen Suijen)
  • Krya (Queen of Ur'quoiya/Syrinx Mermaid)
  • Omusa (Chieftess of the Tamilpais Nunnehi/Nümüzo’ho)
  • Ondine (Queen of the Rocky Shore Mew/Selkie)

    Motleys, Households, Oathcircles, & Hui T'ung

    The formation of any kind of group in the Fearless Dreaming game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) oathcircles instead of random characters.

    Name: Shanghaied Ensemble of Royalty -- Abrianna Cunningham, Andrea Citron, Autumn Shipp, Courtney Manson, Dalila Gaddis, Felicia Delany, Gwen Coyle, Heather Chapeau, Juliana Oates, Karen Edwards, Madison Gavrell, Malina Maytin, Regina Attenberry, Shannon Ransford, Sofia Citron, Stephanie Clarke, Abigail Green, Brigitte Causing, Erin Wallister, Holly Roff, Ivy Van Ness, Leticia Rowbottom, Lisa Eastley, Oona Bircher, Ophelia Strauss, Piper Beattie, Rayleigh Dunham, Tabitha Hecht, Veronica Van Ness, Zarya Nagaya, Iria Tapihana, Riley Carroll, Salali Amadahy, Sasa Longroad, Tori Cummins, Yewande Temitope, Adaeze Osuma, Murakami Sho, Nika Casiguaya Jasmine, Usha Shastri, Huang Lifen, Amagawa Kioshi, Samira Rostami, Pariwana Huamanga-Ñaña, Balthasar Rane, Serena Bellamy; Chelsea Chalk, Keelin Adger, Misty Goode, Reagan Edson, Shawna Coleman, Javon Stout; Cameron Kaiser; Onaia Kaiwaena
    Description -- This infamous and massive household of changeling beauties gathers under the guidance of an Oba and a Beaumayn "queen", with plans within plans.

    Name: Dreamers Athletic Club -- Fulke Mathers, Liam Dalby, Tannering Unger, Axel Shallum, Taqiyya min Bahr
    Description -- Sporty fae formed this motley to train together and share tips.

    Name: Silver Screeners -- Galen Ashmore, Alastair Middleton, Randy Rake, Julianna "Jules" Wright, Ayla Becker, Brinley Blackwell, Minu Chetti, Karimé Belton; Liesel Bremaeker; Shimizu Eriko
    Description -- These California-bound fae all enjoy some measure of success in Hollywood.

    Name: Nuclear Winter -- Sylvester Burgess, Daven Byrnes, Fyodor Kolmogorov, Yokyo Fumio; Candy Orr; Annika Foxe, Maci Foxe
    Description -- A post-grunge rock band swings Unseelie but their imposing and goodly Eshu “agent” keeps them on the level.

    Name: Manx Records -- Torrance Cleary, Cherrie Craven, Nia Maddock, Avalonna Row, Goliath Biras, Cagi Kumanjayi, Ikem Buchi; Lleweyn Maddock
    Description -- Gloriously talented pop starlettes enjoy fame and protection with this fellowship of sponsors and family.

    Name: Ebon Hound Press -- Bailie Weiss, Tolby Teigue, Lyric Larson; Akemi Robinson; Cody Banning
    Description -- Changeling authors revel in the darker and more perverse tales that they weave.

    Name: Ragger’s Bane Motley -- Ned Seaberg, Sunny O’Dae, Karlton Britton, Ozzie Payton, Darla Beasleigh, Cadi Gibbens, Taffy Plasse, Bronwen Fuller; Jaylani Soto
    Description -- A decidedly Seelie commoner motley looks out for the little guy.

    Name: Fellowship of the Blue Bulwark -- Eamon Buckler, Bronte Gill, Christopher Ramis, Tiana Kennedy, Mika Rolph; Wynn Hubbard
    Description -- Troll thanes unite to better guard their noble charges.

    Name: Lodge of Brightorch -- Oberon Martinet, Floyd Lannon, Lon Ember, Yasmin Farley, Lauren Early, Zeena el-Eid; Keegan Ormond, Priscilla Ormond
    Description -- A Dougal barony infamous for its indolence to duty but popular among commoners.

    Name: Kageyosei -- Otsuka Otoko, Sueoka Someko, Tsunematsu Tsumako, Watanuki Chitako, Yamashita Yaeko
    Description -- House Scathach long expanded across the world, including Japan where it set up shop as a shadowy clan of ninja. Kageyosei was dispatched to San Francisco to observe suspicious deployments of other shinobi.

    Name: Offices of Sanford & Oake -- Linden Sanford, Bridget Duvessa, Sophie Sanford, Cerys Macnamara, Salima Gurkani, Davina Birch, Blythe Knowsley; Winifred Waters
    Description -- A spearhead effort by an Ailil count to increase his household’s power begins in the office of a state senator.

    Name: Dusky Canopy Cartel -- Daren Bierce, Xylia Foad, Felicitie Reinhart, Benji Black
    Description -- Unseelie commoners rally to take what they deserve from anyone who dares get in their way.

    Name: Fellowship of the Fog -- Lawrence Temblador, Ula Morrigan, Tyche Haight, Laena Pickett
    Description -- Merfolk and Selkies caper together in the bay.

    Name: House of Gales -- Alina Campbell, Zahra Beck, Rhanni Fisher
    Description -- A royal contingent of mermaids boldly exploring the reaches of the ocean together.

    Name: Lodge of the Landslide -- Chatima Mochni, Elki Yelutci, Kasa Lomahongva, Misu Delano, Liluyea Tupi, Tusa Cheveyo, Sahkyo Wanekia; Kele Chavatangakwunua, Shima Fields
    Description -- Nunnehi congregate in the forest to decide how best to deal with ever-expanding Kithain greed.

    Name: Unbroken Dreamers -- Ariela Samhradh, Cillian Ultan, Caera Buchanan, Siofra Vaughan; Dawn Samhradh, Midir Griobh
    Description -- This fellowship, combining fae with true mages, formed to contend with the terrifying Dauntain band, the Cloud Tamers.

    Name: Cloud Tamers -- Nils Samhradh, Kadence Day; Hollie McClellan
    Description -- A handful of Dauntain Black Magicians combine forces to crush the Dreaming.

    Name: Verdigris Waters -- Engan Suzuyo, Quan Hai Vinh, Zuomeng Shen-Du
    Description -- This hui t’ung consists of Suijen and Heng Po and focuses on their patron element of water in a city defined by it.

    Name: Reflected Forms -- Lei-Kong Witt, Moon Su-Dae, Joben Hie, Tsuge Ayao; Askinaga Oki
    Description -- A hui t’ung of attractive hirayanu (especially Nyan) birth a modeling group.

    Name: Agency of the Aspects -- Kwok Li Pai, Wing Park, Ti Yaodai Jiandan, Jifang Huiqing, Kien Shuchen
    Description -- This hui t’ung surrogates for the Li Shen, kamuii representing each element.

    Name: Heavenly Sanctioned Redress of the Exploited Elemental Endowments & Other Exquisite Entities -- Chanvhira Monkoltham, Karawek Preecha, Mae-Khao Souvanatong, Rachanee Aduladej, Natee Nakpradith, Suchitra Suttirat, Tulaya Charoenkul
    Description -- This vengeful hui t'ung of Li Shen kamuii arrives to take action against specific mortal targets for their exploitation of represented elements.

    Name: Inversions of the Authentic Self -- Heiyumao Zunjing, Makaio Keobunta, Shoda Mikka, Uswa Abidi
    Description -- A motley hui t'ung dedicated to pursuit, revelation, and wonder (and possibly misdirection) of truth and righteousness.