Tlapohui Miccacoyoctli


Two factions vie for power in Puebla above all. Many wraiths want nothing to do with the politics of the dead and call themselves freewraiths, seeking to resolve their damnation and move on.

Dark Kingdoms
No Dark Kingdom controls the area. However, the remnants of the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian (Flayed Lands) have begun to rally the ghosts of mestizos and zambos. Calling itself the New Sun, similar efforts take place all throughout the Mexican Underworld. But Puebla is a center for this effort to reclaim cultural heritage even of the afterlife, thanks to the Great Pyramid of Cholula. Rumor has it that the ghost of Cuauhtémoc himself (last king of the Aztec and grandson of Montezuma) leads the New Sun.

Calling itself the Tlapohui Miccacoyoctli (“Graves All Lost”), these Restless are poised to drive out all enemies and begin to restore the ancient Kingdom of Obsidian to its rightful place. To that end, they readily joined the Dominion of the God-House. They see the Tlazopilli as ancient and immortalized ancestral demigods sent to help purify Mexico (and who says they aren’t?).

The Guilds have no political power in Puebla even if they enjoy at least nominal presence due their skills. One Guild that is making a bit of a splash is the Awakeners Guild. Part Guild, part Heresy, these wraiths specialize in teaching enterprising ghosts how to animate their own bodies and become the Walking Dead. More than that, but las Garras de la Retribución (“Talons of Retribution”) have already made some in-roads in Puebla. They have lent at least one proper revenant to the Dominion of the God-House.

Of all the Heretics in the world, the Magisterium by far survives the strongest in Puebla. The local branch of this Heresy calls itself El Brazo de la Santa Sede (“Arm of the Holy See”). Their Catholic trappings and belief fit the city well, as do the relic sanctuaries and churchly haunts that they control. Such buildings provide sacrosanct shelter from Maelstroms and spectre attacks. So, the Magisterium does maintain a fair level of popularity and power. However, they keep a wide berth from the Sabbat vampires. As much as the Magisterium wishes to haunt the Puebla Cathedral, it makes do with the Convent Church of San Francisco as its headquarters in Puebla instead.

Renegade gangs do not do well in Puebla. Major Renegade groups have been shut out of the city by both the Magisterium and the New Sun.