Fringe Troupes


Fringe Troupes in the CoLA Game will be heavily regulated and restricted. They will not be permitted to interact in common freeform roleplay and alienated from most mainstream Stories. However, Fringe Troupes were designed to stand alone, isolated. They are essentially smaller mirror reflections of the CoLA game, expressing a variance of shades and moods. Indeed, it is because of the thematic differences between each Fringe Troupe and the main CoLA Game that they are to be kept separate.

Storyteller note: Players of Fringe Troupe characters may privately (in PMs, IMs, or otherwise out of the way of the main game) interact with mainstream CoLA characters. They may also at times be invited to engage in roleplay with the mainstream game; this will normally be controlled by Storyteller observation (and usually has a plot purpose).

A Fringe Troupe is a small group of player characters not normally acceptable in the mainstream CoLA Game. This is due not only to thematic differences but established meta-conflicts (e.g., the Traditions vs. the Technocracy). Fringe Troupes will each have an appointed Storyteller who is essentially a Limited Storyteller with specific responsibilities towards the Fringe Troupe. He does not have to run Stories regularly, but should be involved enough to at least help players enjoy their characters on a more individual basis.

To establish a Fringe Troupe, the group must have an appointed Storyteller. The Storyteller must have at least three players (he can include himself if he's planning to actually play a character) but no more than ten can ever be involved with a Fringe Troupe. The Fringe Storyteller must work with the Head Storyteller in the development of the group, and keep the Head Storyteller aware of the game's progress. All character submissions for Fringe Troupes must be sent to the Head Storyteller, not the Fringe Storyteller. Failure to meet these simple requests will result in a disbanding of the Fringe Troupe and a ban on that character-type.

Storyteller note: Within each Fringe Troupe, player characters not directly a part of the group (which is normally a cabal, amalgam, pack, sentai, oathcircle, coterie, or whatever) but closely allied or linked to that Troupe can be added. For example, a Kinfolk of the Same-Bito could be played in the Same-Bito Fringe Troupe. These ally characters are known as Secondaries and their approval will be given on a case-by-case scenario.

A couple other Fringe Troupe ideas include a team of Strike Force Zero agents, a group of Asian Cainites seeking asylum, or a corporate pack of Boli Zouiszhe (Glass Walkers).