Fringe Troupes


These are the current Fringe Troupes in the works or underway:

  • Amalgam B32X: Kitakai
    -- The Five Metal Dragons, aka the Eastern Technocracy, extends its reach to Little Asia to counter the growing menace of the so-called shen and plant a foot in the door to the West.

  • The Haidao
    -- A band of river pirates have risen along the Blue River and now sail across the Midwest's waterways and beyond in search of wealth and adventure. But these are no ordinary brigands. They are rogue changelings, soaking up the Glamour of it all before the Long Winter sets in.

  • The Devaki
    -- The feared Crusaders swept over Kansas City with fire, spear, and modern firepower in recent years. The vampire menace was struck a severe blow but not wholly purged. The Crusaders adopted the new moniker of the Devaki -- the Angels of Heaven -- as this secret militia of average citizens remains banded together to confront the undead enemy of mankind.

  • Jin Zhangpeng: Fenzhi Penquan
    -- The Boli Zouiszhe (Glass Walkers) of Little Asia maintain amiable relations with the Beast-Court much like they do with the hengeyokai back in Asia. Branch Fountains of the Golden Pavilion mega-conglomerate fights the enemies of the world in corporate board rooms and clean room labs. They bid with and against their Western brethren, nurse dark alliances with the Triads, and oppose the greed of the Subtle Thunders and the corruption of Pentex every step of the way. (This Fringe Troupe is undeveloped until the minimum requisite of three interested players is met.)

  • Team Razorhawk
    -- The Zaibatsu dispatched more than the Kitakai. While the agents of the Union pursue a more enlightened agenda, Strike Force Zero sets up its own outpost in the district of Little Asia. Dedicated to the task of assassinating any and all shen, this formidable team of augmented, well-trained, and determined young soldiers will stop at nothing to make the world a better place. The civil sword shall and must be red and bloody -- so said the West's Martin Luther. (This Fringe Troupe is undeveloped until the minimum requisite of three interested players is met.)

  • The Floating Lotus
    -- Setting themselves up in a small community of Indian professionals just outside of Little Asia, beyond the Five Winds Wall, exists a small coterie of Kin-jin. These seekers of enlightenment are largely of Oriental descent originally, but their blood was raped and transformed into the reviled form of vampire. Kin-jin all, the Floating Lotus circle hungers only for peace and the secrets of Golconda. Can they persuade the shen to share some of the secrets of balance and harmony? Should they try to negotiate a peace? (This Fringe Troupe is undeveloped until the minimum requisite of three interested players is met.)