

It should be noted that the fae have a natural tendency to shift between their Seelie and Unseelie (or Summer and Winter) Legacies on whim. And when a changeling is in her opposite Legacy, she can seem to profess loyalty to that Legacy’s Court or Camp with her every word or action. When determining one’s Court or Camp, the Legacy that the character favors is usually the best way of telling. When submitting your character’s name for the TUGs roster, please list whether she is (dominantly) Seelie, Unseelie, or Gallain. Please also list if she is noble or commoner. For the purpose of this roster listing, “noble” includes vassalage to a noble, even if one is not Sained a noble (e.g., a noble Household’s Thane).

There are very few limitations for the TEO. Multi-sorcerers should be avoided. If your character demonstrates Chicanery 5, Sovereign 5, Naming 5, and Wayfare 5, you will probably be asked to change that or leave the TUG. That’s just too much!

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the TEO. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Kith, title) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is helpful for this).

Ainoa Ascaso y Márquez (Cam)
Amandara Prabhu (Cam)
Eduardo Cortijo (Cam)
Layaali bint Hoda (Cam)
Nuria Galán-Seco (Cam)
Vasco Dimas (Cam)

Yadiel Cedillo y Soria (Cam)

Roque Bautista (Cam)
Sancho Villa (Cam)

Azaria Anders (Cam)
Kiana Carys (Cam)

Akna Kichigonai (Cam)
Chirakan Xecoteovach (Cam)
Nelli Manapapan (Cam)
Qoriwanan Manco-Vilca (Cam)
Sayarumi Cachi-Choque (Cam)
Tonauac Atleztli (Cam)
Zotia Zook (Cam)

Kinain & the Enchanted
Ariadna Erendira (Cam)
Esteban Velazquez (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that they are powerful warriors and sorcerers with various forms of great influence. No stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

  • Pedro Montes (Owner of the El Panorama de Poblanos/Commoner Boggan)

  • Bautista Tamayo (Leader of los Corredores de Polvo/Commoner Redcap)

  • Ixcamara Momoztli (Leader of the Teoticuaitl Protectorate/Nagual)

    Motleys, Households, Oathcircles, & Companionships

    The formation of any kind of group in the Teoticuaitl game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) oathcircles instead of random characters.

    Name: Exile -- Kiana Carys, Azaria Anders, Roque Bautista, Sancho Villa, Ainoa Ascaso y Márquez; Esteban Velazquez
    Description -- Unseelie fae who were made unwelcome in their American home courts gather for mutual benefit in the heart of Mexico.

    Name: Itinerant Laughter -- Yadiel Cedillo y Soria, Eduardo Cortijo, Vasco Dimas, Nuria Galán-Seco, Layaali bint Hoda, Amandara Prabhu
    Description -- Brighter and bucolic Seelie form a motley to keep their humor amidst the urban darkness.

    Name: Teoticuaitl Protectorate -- Nelli Manapapan, Tonauac Atleztli, Zotia Zook, Qoriwanan Manco-Vilca, Sayarumi Cachi-Choque, Akna Kichigonai, Chirakan Xecoteovach; Ariadna Erendira
    Description -- "The Godhead" -- Nahuani gather to thwart European squatters and align with the powerful Dominion of the God-House.