Grasslands Games


Kansas City, while not the heart of the Kingdom of Grass, bears some importance to Concordia. While there are few freeholds in the city or area, important Trods pass through the region, and it has fallen into the local Duchy’s hands to protect them. While the nobility concerns itself with this, the commoners do their best to watch over the city’s Dreamers. They have noticed that far too many have been gobbled up by the city’s Prodigals or worse, Fomorians (or things like those ancient foes).

Like Queen Mary Elizabeth herself, the local nobility is Dougal-dominated. They are centered in the Julius Maer Duchy. The Duchy’s homestead is Caer Yocuna (Level 5 Holding), which is fully in the Near Dreaming, maintained through powerful Sidhe magics. It is a fair-sized if secluded freehold. The only gate into the Dreaming-bound estate is found at the Black Rock, an abandoned gold mining town. The Black Rock is a lucrative “ghost town” tourist attraction on the southeastern outskirts of Kansas City. Caer Yocuna’s Trods lead all over Concordia. A minor Trod also connects to the commoner mew (see below) in the city, as well as some of the other holdings in the area.

The Julius Maer Household includes a fair number of Sidhe, but there are mostly Trolls and a few loyal (and useful) Nockers. Overall, the Duchy includes some 25 vassals of great and lesser import. Many of them are well-trained in magic and swordmanship, the better to protect the Household’s duties: guard the Trods. Joining this Household requires the standard proof of trust and Oaths of service. But disconnected from the mortal world as this Household tends to be, the nobles are not above hiring changelings for temporary duties or missions. Ultimately, the Seelie nobles have weak influence in mortal affairs, but are the undisputed lords of the local Dreaming.

In addition to the Duchy, a few other Seelie freeholds exist in the area. To the northwest of the city in the lush woodlands stands the lodge of Caer Verdante (Level 4 Holding), ruled by Countess Moriganne Teegan ni Fiona. (The following two freeholds are PC-run.) Due north of the city (in Kansas), not far from the small town of Ridgewood, the lodge of Caer Inis stands, which the Baron Alaric Bronzen ap Gwydion runs. In the city proper, downtown no less, the lodge of Caer Luskia thrives, ruled by Baron Lincoln Parnell ap Dougal.

The Seelie commoners of Kansas City and its metropolitan area tend to be practical and profess at least some loyalty to Queen Mary Elizabeth. It helps that the local commoners are predominantly Boggans and Trolls, and are therefore like-minded to the ruling nobles. But while they are the general rule, they are hardly the only kind of fae to be found. A good number of Pooka and Satyrs also make their way in the region. The occasional Eshu, usually just passing through, is certainly not unknown. And not all Nockers, Sluagh, and even Redcaps are hardcore Unseelie.

Most commoners tend to keep to themselves but motleys are not unknown. Activities are often centered on a hearth in Little Italy. Called Trajo Fair, this tiny commoner mew (Level 1 freehold) doubles as an old Italian restaurant. It’s not uncommon for the commoners to gather here and discuss current events or form plans on how to deal with the dangers of Glamour loss. They deal particularly with Dreamers Ravaged by careless Unseelie or lost to other, darker dangers.


With the Seelie nobles so focused on the Dreaming, Unseelie have grown strong in the city. Their rapaciousness only adds to the city’s dark veneer. The Unseelie are countered, however, by the Seelie’s stoicism. Furthermore, they’re boxed into the city due to Nunnehi war parties that lurk in the prairies and forests beyond.

Overall, the Unseelie appear to be only a loose rabble of cruel Redcaps, sly Sluagh, bad-mouthed Nockers, and others. They do not seem to have any serious agenda. But behind these fae, a few powerful Unseelie nobles lurk and scheme. The greatest problem facing the Unseelie is their lack of freehold control. Most Unseelie have no trouble with haunting the Trajo Fair, since it pleads open doors to all fae. Only well-known trouble-makers and evil-doers regularly meet trouble trying to access that freehold, and only a few Unseelie are that naughty. Those that are that bad probably have no compunction about committing Rhapsody on whim and hardly need access to a freehold.

Though there are a few ambitious Ailil in the area, the highest ranked nobles are Leanhaun. The Barony of Cat Rauth is located in the upperclass suburbs -- not far from the Prodigal mages’ chantryhouse, in fact. It is one of the many mansions in that area. Though it would be so easy to ignore the Dreaming-entrenched Dougal, a sort of cabin fever has descended over the Leanhaun. These nobles subtly direct Unseelie commoners as much as they can to compete with the Seelie, testing their control over the Trods.

There are two main Unseelie freeholds in the area. The lodge of Cat Rauth (Level 2 Holding) is one, and the other is the Dame Fortune (Level 2 Holding) -- a gambling boat that navigates the Missouri River. That one is run by the Baroness Morganna Agate ni Ailil. Additionally, the two following freeholds have sprung up in the past few years (both are PC-run). Cat Feadh, located also in Rolling Hills, is ruled by the Baronet Kenneth Killian ap Daireann, under charter of Cat Rauth. To the northeast of the city in the wilderness, Cat Glacia was recently awakened, which is run by Baroness Sofia Lindahl ni Aesin.

With Seelie commoners selfishly hoarding Dreamers as much as possible, some hardcore Unseelie have made it a personal mission to free up Glamour as much as possible. But for the most part, the Unseelie commoners are all about freedom. They do what they want, when they want, and have no noble’s butt to kiss. The Seelie nobles largely ignore them, and the Unseelie nobles have to kiss their butts if they want them to do anything. As for bases of operation, the commoners maintain several safehouses and refuges throughout the inner city.

The Shadow Court
If the Shadow Court is active in the region, it is acting very subtly. The only rumor that sprouted up was that the Leanhaun Baroness refused to join their ranks, was targeted for assassination several times, and every attempt failed. She has amassed numerous bodyguards, some of them even Prodigals -- who seem able to perceive an assassin’s approach and counter the killer before he even gets close. Though the assassination attempts really did happen, no one knows who really sent them (except perhaps the Baroness herself).