Grasslands Games


It should be noted that the fae have a natural tendency to shift between their Seelie and Unseelie Legacies on whim. And when a changeling is in her opposite Legacy, she can seem to profess loyalty to that Legacy’s Court with her every word or action. When determining one’s Court, the Legacy that the character favors is usually the best way of telling. When submitting your character’s name for the TUGs roster, please list whether she is (dominantly) Seelie, Unseelie, or Gallain. Please also list if she is noble or commoner. For the purpose of this roster listing, “noble” includes vassalage to a noble, even if one is not Sained a noble (e.g., a noble Household’s Thane).

There are very few limitations for the GLG. Multi-sorcerers should be avoided. If your character demonstrates Chicanery 5, Sovereign 5, Naming 5, and Wayfare 5, you will probably be asked to change that or leave the TUG. That’s just too much!

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the GLG. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Kith, title) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is helpful for this).

Alberic Brice (Cam)
Bodile Gilby (Cam)
Camden Holt (Cam)
Colton Grosse (Cam)
Dermot Simmons (Cam)
Edward Ritter (Cam)
Fatina al-Riaz (Mai-p)
Fergus Jobs (Cam)
Ginkozan Tano (Cam)
Heidi Jonson (Cam)
Huey Scotts (Cam)
Izzy Keehan (Cam)
Janie Wilde (Cam)
Jordyn Sampson (Cam)
Kallie Augustia (Cam)
Karim al-Faris (Cam)
Keanna Moody (Cam)
Klete Kramer (Cam)
Lorra Diggle (Cam)
Marshall Roth (Cam)
Maxi (Sammi)
Montgomery Balfour (Cam)
Nevada Fanning (Cam)
Nova Rasmussen (Cam)
Olivia Tackett (Marie)
Rimmon McKellan (Cam)
Sandra Mackay (Cam)
Skye Monahagn (Mai-p)
Sophie Smith (Matt)
Stanley Titus (Cam)
Sylvie Jobs (Cam)
Tuesday McGrath (Cam)
Wai Spriggs (Cam)
Warren Pol (Cam)
Wendie Jonson (Cam)

Abigayil Titus (Cam)
Alaric Bronzen (Cam)
Alyson Fitzgerard (Cam)
Amber Rowe (Kami)
Baileigh MacCann (Cam)
Brady Dubglas (Cam)
Cavan Braith (Cam)
Corteney Teegan (Cam)
Dante Turlough (Cam)
Desmond Lir (Cam)
Dominic Gy (Cam)
Gwendolyn Ruairidh (Cam)
Kathy Mosier (Matt)
Katie Fox (Mai-p)
Kisaiya Lukey (Cam)
Kylie McDowell (Cam)
Kylina Keating (Mai-p)
Lalya Lukey (Cam)
Laurania Engel (Cam)
Lincoln Parnell (Cam)
Maelik Wren (Cam)
Malcolm Max (Cam)
Maya Sharpshot (Matt)
Regan Ahern (Cam)
Sean Ballinamore (Cam)
Shawn Odlai (Cam)
Syeira Vulpes (Cam)
Tajier Mosier (Matt)
Torin Paddington (Cam)
Veronica Dunphy (Mai-p)

Ayden Stephens (Cam)
Bobby Bell (Cam)
Casey Vega (Cam)
Cenric Poe (Cam)
Esme Horton (Cam)
Felisha Pol (Cam)
Garnet Beal (Cam)
Giles Vohkinne (Cam)
Meghan Grenier (Cam)
Moses Schroeder (Cam)
Orlanda Carlson (Cam)
Rhan Broderick (Cam)
Wyatt Roum (Cam)

Amora Marklund (Mai-p)
Antonia Cerini (Cam)
Brigit Vorstino (Matt)
Cristiona Paise (Cam)
Evangeline Mosier (Matt)
Ever Briant (Cam)
Gunnar Koll (Cam)
Islene Duinseach (Cam)
Kenneth Killian (Cam)
Larissa Taranenko (Mai-p)
Letitia Chiriga (Cam)
Natasha Dering (Matt)
Nikka Pitt (Cam)
Nineve Aloysha (Cam)
Rachel Miley (Mai-p)
Ranozir Karkadin (Cam)
Saga Koll (Cam)
Samantha Dunleavy (Mai-p)
Sasha Sueñoscuro (Matt)
Sappho Sarrea (Cam)
Tasoula Stamili (Cam)
Vaso Laziadi (Cam)
Yvie Macdonald (Cam)
Zofia Lindahl (Cam)

Aiyana Greenwood (Cam)
Anevay Greenwood (Cam)
Ketewa Tsali (Cam)
Marina Quaid (Mai-p)
Namida Apiatan (Cam)
Okiye Nanyihe (Cam)
Pana Ohanzee (Cam)
Sunhawk (Cam)
Vai Veahtoish (Cam)

Kinain & the Enchanted
Alissa Sutherlander (Cam)
Blake Colbert (Cam)
Blossom Alvey (Cam)
Cassidy Madden (Cam)
Christina Meyers (Cam)
Connor Erc (Cam)
Danielle Tryamon (Cam)
Elgar Kosman (Cam)
Elle Spencerly (Cam)
Evienna Haimes (Cam)
Farrah Addien (Cam)
Halvor Gambling (Cam)
Jarvis Hartman (Cam)
Jason Colbert (Cam)
Joel Uther (Cam)
Joey May Andor (Cam)
Kavuri Muzumdar (Cam)
Kehlani Collier (Cam)
Keisha Platts (Cam)
Kelly Lasterman (Cam)
Keyla Ratliff (Cam)
Kimberley Harmon (Cam)
Leigh Bronson (Cam)
Martin Anderson (Cam)
Mckinley Sutherlander (Cam)
Melika Malo (Cam)
Nessa Sutherlander (Cam)
Ryleigh Sutherlander (Cam)
Shelby Grainne (Cam)
Sui Yawen (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that all four are powerful warriors and sorcerers with various forms of great influence. No stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

  • Antoinette Kirs (Baroness of Cat Rauth/Leanhaun Sidhe)
  • Kenneth Dimaggio (Owner of Trajo Fair/Commoner Boggan)
  • Hawkeye (Nunnehi Chief/Canotili)
  • Letitia Dain (Duchess of Julius Maer/Dougal Sidhe)
  • Morganna Agate (Baroness of the Dame Fortune/Ailil Sidhe)
  • Moriganne Teegan (Countess of Caer Verdante/Fiona Sidhe)
  • Nero Skyhammer (Lord-Knight of Julius Maer/Dougal Troll)

Motleys, Households, & Oathcircles

The formation of any kind of group in the Grassland Games is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) oathcircles instead of random characters.

Name: Volo Diem Trago -- Jeniffer Billings, Tuesday McGrath, Wai Spriggs, Rimmon McKellan, Dante Turlough, Sylvie Jobs, Jordyn Sampson
Description -- A trago of Satyrs dedicated to incensing passion and a zest for life in everyone they encounter.

Name: Lodge of the Second Cauldron -- Camden Holt, Colton Grosse, Ginkozan Tano, Marshall Roth, Amber Rowe, Bodile Gilby, Baileigh MacCann; Halvor Gambling
Description -- A fellowship of mostly trolls with the less confrontational purpose of training together.

Name: Lodge of Moonshine Blues -- Lincoln Parnell, Stanley Titus, Malcolm Max, Alberic Brice, Kallie Augustia, Desmond Lir, Abigayil Titus, Alyson Fitzgerard; Christina Meyers, Shelby Grainne, Garth Thompson
Description -- A Dougal barony located downtown.

Name: Dreamzoo -- Dermot Simmons, Edward Ritter, Huey Scotts, Montgomery Balfour, Giles Vohkinne, Rhan Broderick, Sandra Mackay, Janie Wilde, Keanna Moody, Ayden Stephens, Moses Schroeder; Duggan Clancy, Keyla Ratliff
Description -- A veritable barnyard full of Pooka critters who meet to brag.

Name: Chainsaw Fists -- Cenric Poe, Garnet Beal, Hugh Richards, Nevada Fanning; Elle Spencerly
Description -- A Redcap corby of drug-dealing, hard-pimping, blood-sloshing badasses.

Name: Lodge of Brass Horizons -- Alaric Bronzen, Shawn Odlai, Warren Pol, Karim al-Faris, Regan Ahern, Heidi Jonson, Wendie Jonson, Felisha Pol, Lorra Diggle; Danielle Tryamon
Description -- A Gwydion barony out in the nearby plains.

Name: Royal Retinue -- Kylina Keating, Amora Marklund, Fatina al-Riaz, Katie Fox, Marina Quaid, Rachel Miley, Samantha Dunleavy, Skye Monahagn, Veronica Dunphy, Larissa Taranenko; Kang Xinya
Description -- A visiting princess, her entourage, and manipulative hangers-on.

Name: Mosier Household -- Kathy Mosier, Tajier Mosier, Natasha Dering, Maya Sharpshot, Evangeline Mosier, Sophie Smith, Sasha Sueñoscuro, Brigit Vorstino
Description -- The famous noble family and its closest and most provocative allies.

Name: Choice Squad -- Klete Kramer, Izzy Keehan, Fergus Jobs, Orlanda Carlson, Nova Rasmussen; Kehlani Collier
Description -- A union of Nockers of widely varied skills and projects.

Name: Gyr & Eyasses -- Corteney Teegan, Bobby Bell; Evienna Haimes, Kavuri Mazumdar, Melika Malo, Mandey Mangram, Remi Soulant; Joey May Andor, Keisha Platts, Kelly Lasterman, Nessa Sutherlander, Alissa Sutherlander, Mckinley Sutherlander, Ryleigh Sutherlander, Blossom Alvey, Sui Yawen
Description -- A Satyr and his dreamy Fiona wife have settled into court life and made use of the household Glamour to begin Enchanting and effectively kidnapping her young cheerleader teammates from the local high school Falcons squad.

Name: Circle of Her Highest Confidence -- Cavan Braith, Laurania Engel, Maelik Wren, Dominic Gy, Gwendolyn Ruairidh; Leigh Bronson
Description -- A fellowship of noble advisors to the Duchess Letitia of House Dougal.

Name: Brotherhood of the Shield -- Brady Dubglas, Sean Ballinamore, Torin Paddington
Description -- A group of noble warriors, even Red Knights, dedicated to the highest cause.

Name: Red Ring -- Gunnar Koll, Saga Koll, Kylie McDowell, Okiye Nanyihe; Blake Colbert, Connor Erc, Jarvis Hartman, Jason Colbert, Joel Uther, Martin Anderson, Elgar Kosman, Kimberley Harmon
Description -- An Unseelie lodge in the forest guarding a Dross-producing faerie ring commanded by a very capable Aesin Troll and several loyal Kinain.

Name: Lodge of Avernus -- Kenneth Killian, Casey Vega, Letitia Chiriga, Nikka Pitt
Description -- A small Daireann barony in the more affluent suburbs.

Name: Eclipsing Fingers -- Cristiona Paise, Islene Duinseach, Nineve Aloysha, Ranozir Karkadin, Zofia Lindahl, Antonia Cerini, Yvie Macdonald, Ever Briant
Description -- A circle of aristocratic Unseelie advisors, brokers, and proxies.

Name: Steep -- Wyatt Roum, Esme Horton, Meghan Grenier
Description -- A motley of Sluagh devoted to maintaining High Tea.

Name: Thavmata -- Sappho Sarrea, Tasoula Stamili, Vaso Laziadi
Description -- An oathcircle of Tyche fae who embody the Muses, traveling far abroad to spread their blessings and wisdom.

Name: Occluded Paths -- Anevay Greenwood, Aiyana Greenwood, Sunhawk, Ketewa Tsali, Vai Veahtoish, Namida Apiatan, Pana Ohanzee
Description -- A xenophobic fellowship of Nunnehi in the forest.