Hawai'ian Islands Protectorates


Joining the Sept or Beast-Court is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Elders. IC, one can assume much truthsaying and soul-scanning is performed to insure a spy, psycho, or Wyrm-corrupted lycanthrope isn't allowed into the caern or dragon nest sanctums.

The only real limitation is in Rank. No character of Rank 5 is permitted. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the Septs are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run). Black Spiral Dancers and Wyrm-fallen allies are not to be played in the HIP but instead the Shades of Darkness (SoD) game. When submitting your character's name for the TUG's roster, include only if the character is to be in the Sept or Beast-Court or not (as would all non-Garou/hengeyokai). Kinfolk allied with their respective Tribes and Breeds, even if they aren't considered members of the Sept or Beast-Court per se, will be listed here.

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the HIP. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Tribe, Auspice) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (using the mailing list is a good idea).

Sept of Ashen Breath
Arabella Cobb (Cam)
Beatrix Woulfe (Cam)
Ela Brighton (Cam)
Kirby Cahill (Cam)
Maryam Bells (Cam)

Ashen Breath Kinfolk
Anai Vinson (Cam)
Baby Winborn (Cam)
Kenya Byrd (Cam)
Margot Gilloway (Cam)

Beast-Court of the Celestial Oasis
Anakele Leng (Cam)
Asakura Masaru (Cam)
Bane Yap (Cam)
Buji Yamatetsu (Cam)
Choi (Cam)
Drogyny (Sammi)
Ginwara Fujino (Cam)
Kawelu Leng (Cam)
Lalana Praphasirirat (Cam)
Mali Walks-Past-Fire (Cam)
Mayang Sari binti Laut (Cam)
Mizubofu Tomio (Cam)
Ozora Beyond-the-Clouds (Cam)
Priya Mahanti (Cam)
Rasmi Tripathi (Cam)
Sanda Iyona (Cam)
Sarojini Sanyal (Cam)
Satish Lochan (Cam)
Siti Ujang (Cam)
Taban Malhotra (Cam)
Tsururo Suzume (Cam)
Vinay Prabodhan (Cam)
Waiola Leng (Cam)

Celestial Oasis Kinfolk
Dong Yong (Cam)
Hojo Sukiyo (Cam)
Katsugami Yudachi (Cam)
Kawada Sayano (Cam)
Kilohana Kalei (Cam)
Lani Kamano (Cam)
Nan Wu (Cam)

Beast-Court of the Banding Reef
Akagi Ado (Cam)
Akiba Aye (Cam)
Coda Chihori (Cam)
Dokite Den (Cam)
Fujimoto Fumeyo (Cam)
Fukui Fume (Cam)
Gamo Au (Cam)
Higa Hamashi (Cam)
Horie Hinuyo (Cam)
Ichida Imashi (Cam)
Ichioka Ichishi (Cam)
Imamura Ichiko (Cam)
Katsura Kesai (Cam)
Kikuchi Karuyo (Cam)
Kishimoto Kioko (Cam)
Kodama Erisa (Cam)
Kondo Ena (Cam)
Kotake Chiki (Cam)
Miyano Sanmi (Cam)
Miyazato Mayoko (Cam)
Morikawa Waka (Cam)
Murata Minoko (Cam)
Nagano Neiko (Cam)
Sakai Sumako (Cam)
Shirai Shio (Cam)
Soda Kuni (Cam)
Teshima Tamaki (Cam)
Toyama Toma (Cam)
Uchida Ushi (Cam)
Uchima Usami (Cam)
Uesaka Utashi (Cam)
Yabe Yome (Cam)
Yajima Yayako (Cam)
Yamanaka Yura (Cam)
Yamanoi Chiyuri (Cam)
Yano Nene (Cam)
Yoichi Yoso (Cam)
Yomaura Toyo (Cam)
Yoshimura Riyo (Cam)

Banding Reef Kinfolk
Adachi Imayo (Cam)
Akahoshi Kuroshi (Cam)
Gomi Shoma (Cam)
Ishido Kuriko (Cam)
Kasai Kadiri (Cam)
Kiyowara Koyo (Cam)
Koide Kimie (Cam)
Matsunaga Mutsuko (Cam)
Mawatari Mokume (Cam)
Morishige Shimemi (Cam)
Nara Riku (Cam)
Serizawa Chisuzu (Cam)
Suga Senume (Cam)
Ukita Shizue (Cam)
Urayama Koyame (Cam)
Watabe Heya (Cam)
Watanabe Kurishi (Cam)
Yonekura Kesayo (Cam)

Other Shapeshifters
Calder Foss (Cam)
Chiara Brake (Cam)
Cowanneerim (Cam)
Dacy Ott (Cam)
Danica June (Cam)
Darrol Kolora (Cam)
Devenananga (Cam)
George Denton (Cam)
Glenda Jolly (Cam)
Kosa Calla (Cam)
Lothair Stemme (Cam)
Lusala Tau (Cam)
Mauga Palamo (Cam)
Migisi Calla (Cam)
Neve Marinus (Cam)
Obadiah Stanton (Cam)
Racquel Alberty (Cam)
Susan Domenz (Cam)
Troy Watson (Cam)
Ulysses Hurt (Cam)
Vavea Uata (Cam)

Others' Kinfolk
Penelope Mark Ellsworth (Cam)
Yanyea Rinnow (Cam)

The NPC Elders are as follows, noting that all of them occupy primary Sept positions and are at least Rank 4. But their stats are not listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

Sept of Ashen Breath
  • Ewa Terpe “Seizes-the-Stars” (Sept Leader/Black Furies)
  • Iokua Loa “Top-of-the-Hill” (Stargazers/Master of the Challenge)
  • Keokolo Stormrunner “Shadow-of-the-Mountain” (Master of the Rite/Uktena)

    Beast-Court of the Celestial Oasis
  • Takamon Hisashi “Many Masks” (Kitsune/Regent)
  • Vien Duc Danh “Blood-of-the-Earth” (Zhong Lung/Historian)
  • Yorisame Akira “Cuts-the-Horizon” (Same-Bito/Deputy Regent)


    The formation of packs or sentai in the Hawai'ian Islands Protectorates game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) packs or sentais instead of random characters. Furthermore, most shapeshifters are pack-minded creatures. The acquisition of a pack Totem is also voluntary, but earning the spirits’ favor is the players’ responsibility (of course) to play out, as there are no official Storytellers in the TUGs.

    Name: Lambent Slivers -- Beatrix Woulfe, Ela Brighton, Arabella Cobb, Maryam Bells, Kirby Cahill; Kenya Byrd, Margot Gilloway, Anai Vinson, Baby Winborn
    Description -- A pack of Black Fury Moon-Daughters and Freebooters, seeking to expand the protectorate of the Garou to all eight islands. Totem: Phoebe.

    Name: Demon-Slaying Champions -- Buji Yamatetsu, Asakura Masaru, Ozora Beyond-the-Clouds, Drogyny; Hojo Sukiyo
    Description -- This mountain sentai prides itself on its war skills in crushing minions of Centipede. Totem: Lava.

    Name: Peacemakers -- Vinay Prabodhan, Lalana Praphasirirat, Sarojini Sanyal, Waiola Leng, Anakele Leng, Kawelu Leng; Dong Yong, Kawada Sayano
    Description -- A sentai representing the Pillar role in hengeyokai society, these solid fellows protect and guide the Beast-Court. Totem: Elephant.

    Name: Blood Phantoms -- Ginwara Fujino, Mizobofu Tomio, Bane Yap, Satish Lochan, Sanda Iyona, Priya Mahanti, Taban Malhotra; Katsugami Yudachi, Kilohana Kalei
    Description -- This sentai of hengeyokai rely on mystery and artful methods to protect the court’s interests. Totem: Fog.

    Name: Teeth of Basalt -- Choi, Mali Walks-Past-Fire, Tsururo Suzume, Mayang Sari binti Laut, Rasmi Tripathi; Nan Wu, Lani Kamano
    Description -- The last sentai of this Beast-Court are a powerhouse of energy and effort. Totem: Volcano.

    Name: Deepsoul Retinue -- Tianlanselong, Calder Foss, Dacy Ott, Vavea Uata, Siti Ujang
    Description -- This small group of shapeshifters – a Zhong Lung sea king, his advisors and seasnake Nagah escort – visit the islands to herald the approaching Sixth Age. They also act as go-betweens the hengeyokai Courts of the Celestial Oasis and Banding Reef.

    Name: Compass of Magellan -- Troy Watson, Ulysses Hurt, Danica June
    Description -- This Jurlungur Nest finds itself at a loss on how to manage their duties in this relatively small jurisdiction filled with unusual Khurah assortment.

    Name: Wallow of the Broken Prism -- Cowanneerim, Darrol Kolora, Lothair Stemme; Yanyea Rinnow
    Description -- Gumagan and other Mokole connect to make sense of a vision of dimness and despair. Totem: Finch.

    Name: Colony of the Salted Web -- George Denton, Glenda Jolly, Obadiah Stanton, Mauga Palamo, Neve Marinus, Chiara Brake; Liyanna Whale; Taryn Macgregor; Cilvia Roberts; Tiara Glass; Avion Kangjon
    Description -- The few Ananasi in the archipelago gather as required in Honolulu with secret allies.

    Name: Sun-Kissed Mooning -- Devenananga, Lusala Tau, Susan Domenz, Racquel Alberty, Kosa Calla, Migisi Calla; Penelope Mark Ellsworth
    Description -- This small Pride and pack of Bastet, Nuwisha, and like-minded Killi all come from a mixture of backgrounds but share a love of the Sun as much as Selene/Luna.

    Name: Confederacy of the High Holy Dragon -- Imamura Ichiko, Kishimoto Kioko, Miyazato Mayoko, Nagano Neiko, Sakai Sumako; Adachi Imayo, Yonekura Kesayo, Kiyowara Koyo, Matsunaga Mutsuko, Ukita Shizue
    Description -- Hakken make up this Pillar-aligned Mountain Sentai/pack. They are all schoolgirl-aged scions of Zokusho-myo, answering the call to duty on behalf of their elders. Despite their youth, they are diligent and hard-working. Totem: Magpie.

    Name: Cloud Nine -- Teshima Tamaki, Uchima Usami, Yajima Yayako, Morikawa Waka, Akiba Aye; Watabe Heya, Koide Kimie, Suga Senume, Kasai Kadiri, Morishige Shimemi
    Description -- Tengu of the J-pop group Daiku-no-Kumo (usually rendered as "9雲", a.k.a. "Cloud Nine") fill this Leaf-aligned Mountain Sentai/murder. Despite being talkative showboats, they are excellent observers and scouts, not just of physical settings but reading people's intentions, too. Totem: West Wind.

    Name: Messengers of the Soulflame -- Yamanoi Chiyuri, Dokite Den, Fujimoto Fumeyo; Akahoshi Kuroshi, Watanabe Kurishi, Gomi Shoma
    Description -- A Kitsune-filled Mirror-aligned Mountain Sentai/lead. The werefoxes specialize in all brands of magic and deploy it effectively and potently on the Court's behalf. Totem: Heron.

    Name: Dragons of the Immutable Cycle -- Uesaka Utashi, Yabe Yome, Akagi Ado, Kotake Chiki, Fukui Fume; Ishido Kuriko, Mawatari Mokume
    Description -- These Zhong Lung arrived directly from Umi and are veteran dragons of power and myth. All of them share the Varna of Karna (saltwater crocs). Their Mountain Sentai/wallow is Lantern-aligned. Totem: Tiandi.

    Name: Undertone of Judgment -- Yoshimura Riyo, Miyano Sanmi, Kondo Ena
    Description -- This Vritra nest of Nagah was deployed to keep an eye on the Khurah of this Court, particularly the terran ones.

    Name: Fathomless Venom -- Toyama Toma, Uchida Ushi, Yoichi Yoso
    Description -- The Thalassa nest of Nagah arrived with the Zhong Lung and Same-Bito from Umi. They specialize in watching over their fellow marine Khurah.

    Name: Lines in the Sand -- Ichioka Ichishi, Katsura Kesai, Murata Minoko, Shirai Shio
    Description -- A Nezumi Leaf-aligned Mountain Sentai/deceit, their eclectically represented Aspects lend versaility. Totem: Sea Otter.

    Name: Chosen of Mizuchi -- Yomaura Toyo, Gamo Au, Soda Kuni, Yano Nene, Yamanaka Yura
    Description -- One of two habatsu of this Beast-Court that patrols the oceanic bawn, these primarily Tangaroa-born Same-Bito arrived from Umi when duty called. It is a Fist-aligned Mountain Sentai. Totem: Barracuda.

    Name: Sundered Shoals -- Horie Hinuyo, Coda Chihori, Higa Hamashi, Ichida Imashi, Kikuchi Karuyo
    Description -- One of two habatsu of this Beast-Court that patrols the oceanic bawn, these primarily Rongo-born Same-Bito came together as a slew when called by their Zhong Lung matrons. It is a Fist-aligned Mountain Sentai. Totem: Genbu.

    Name: Waystation -- Kodama Erisa; Nara Riku, Serizawa Chisuzu, Urayama Koyame; Kamino Kikyo, Minashigo Maiko, Jovina Lumaad Masangkay
    Description -- Not a Sentai at all, this group represents the Nezumi Knife Skulker-run ryokan, with its relaxing onsen and talented makutsu upstairs.

    Name: Aspirations of the Jade Relief -- Momoi Mego, Obi Oto, Komuro Run, Shinsato Sute, Suto Tsubo; Ohashi Tsushishi
    Description -- This specialty Mountain Sentai/wallow is for the gai'nan and it is Courtier-aligned. The gai'nan are all Silver-ranked Zhong Lung. Included is a Shinto priestess whose faith and ritual propriety helps maintain the waygates. Totem: Shennong.