The Court of Emerald Eyes


When the Wan Kuei first began their Great Step Outward, the Shinma frowned. What would become of the Asian peoples in the districts that the Hungry Dead occupied? Some hsien decided their duty called them to the West. They left Zhongguo, the Middle Kingdom, and established a few small bases in America. One such base came to be known in Little Asia, Kansas City, as the Lodge of Jade. The Lodge would eventually join forces with many other shen in the Court of Infinite Ages. When that agency failed, the Lodge agreed to joining the Coalition of Little Asia. They renamed their organization the Court of Emerald Eyes, though still based themselves out of a religious shrine along the “Ten Do” strip called the Lodge of Jade.

Many of their number, both disgusted with some of the shen and the Court of Emerald Eyes’ willingness to ally with the Kuei-jin, left Little Asia. There are now only a few Shinma left, willing to protect the district’s populace, culture, and habitat from the depredations of vampires and demons. Diverse and fearless, these hsien formed the Court of Emerald Eyes with the blessing of august Courts from their homelands.

Court Laws

The Shinma conform to the policies of the Coalition of Little Asia. Aside from the expectations of carrying out the standard duties of all Shinma, and the unofficial policies regarding the other shen (as depicted below), the hsien have no additional laws. This Court is small and fairly informal. However, it has been suggested that the base Courts from home may have asked Yellow Lotus agents to observe the Court of Emerald Eyes.


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House Rules