Castles of Ice


It should be noted that the fae have a natural tendency to shift between their Seelie and Unseelie (or Summer and Winter) Legacies on whim. And when a changeling is in her opposite Legacy, she can seem to profess loyalty to that Legacy’s Court or Camp with her every word or action. When determining one’s Court or Camp, the Legacy that the character favors is usually the best way of telling. When submitting your character’s name for the TUGs roster, please list whether she is (dominantly) Seelie, Unseelie, or Gallain. Please also list if she is noble or commoner. For the purpose of this roster listing, “noble” includes vassalage to a noble, even if one is not Sained a noble (e.g., a noble Household’s Thane).

There are very few limitations for the CoI. Multi-sorcerers should be avoided. If your character demonstrates Chicanery 5, Sovereign 5, Naming 5, and Wayfare 5, you will probably be asked to change that or leave the TUG. That’s just too much!

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the CoI. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Kith, title) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is helpful for this).

Astrida Buck (Cam)
Einarr Rig (Cam)
Jonna Lehti (Cam)
Marlene Tillman (Cam)
Niven Glendower (Cam)
Reija Rautianen (Cam)
Sarperus Bennett (Cam)
Tanya Tyzack (Cam)

Alandria Waterson (Cam)
Calianna Ewing (Cam)
Cynthia Sil (Cam)
Galilea Duran (Cam)
Kiran Sosa (Cam)
Oceana Gayles (Cam)

Biff Broadie (Cam)
Cinnamon “Cinn” Allums (Cam)
Malvina Dusek (Cam)
Tilly McDonald (Cam)
Tonna Akidottir (Cam)
Trysta Janosik (Cam)

Elsa Baxterly (Cam)
Galina Valentinova Konovalova (Cam)
Halvard Wollen (Cam)
Kaino Aaltonen (Cam)
Lilli Terho (Cam)
Nadezhda Antonova Meledina (Cam)
Oana Corbeanu (Cam)
Siiri Paavola (Cam)
Svetla Georgievna Abalysheva (Cam)
Taru Ketola (Cam)
Teija Lehtola (Cam)

Cleo Stowe (Cam)

Kinain & the Enchanted
Britta Borg (Cam)
Eudokia "Dusya" Zotova (Cam)
Hanne Honkanen (Cam)
Lauke Leusink (Cam)
Maritta Oivio (Cam)
Marjoleine Dille (Cam)
Piia Pekkanen (Cam)
Suoma Simonen (Cam)
Tauno Uotila (Cam)
Urpu Saari (Cam)
Vappu Heikkinen (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that they are powerful warriors and sorcerers with various forms of great influence. No stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

  • Onni Niskala (Huskarl of Caer Lumian/Commoner Troll)

  • Armas Soro (Duke of Cat Ramnia/Aesin Sidhe)
  • Janika Tuomela (Countess of Cat Jarva/Varich Sidhe)

  • Asmo Valtonen (King of Ur’cho’pagin/Syrinx Merman)

    Motleys, Households, Oathcircles, Hui T'ung, & Companionships

    The formation of any kind of group in the Koffie Heuwel game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) oathcircles instead of random characters.

    Name: Daring the Rapids -- Sarperus Bennett, Tanya Tyzack, Astrida Buck, Tonna Akidottir; Cleo Stowe; Hanne Honkanen, Piia Pekkanen
    Description -- A motley of commoners who love to challenge themselves and/or the environment.

    Name: Awash in Fantasy -- Tilly McDonald, Jonna Lehti, Reija Rautianen
    Description -- This commoner motley revels in tricks and fun, at the expense of both mortals and each other.

    Name: Star Chamber -- Einarr Rig, Cynthia Sil, Niven Glendower, Marlene Tillman
    Description -- An unobtrusive Eiluned sage and her household of retainers.

    Name: Punishment League -- Biff Broadie, Malvina Dusek, Trysta Janosik, Cinnamon Allums; Vappu Heikkinen, Lauke Leusink
    Description -- A union of Nockers designed towards the manufacture of stuff that hurts all the right people.

    Name: Trueheart Advocates -- Oceana Gayles, Kiran Sosa, Galilea Duran, Alandria Waterson, Calianna Ewing
    Description -- A circle of Seelie noblewomen who evangelize true fae romance.

    Name: Foyer of Waiting Ladies -- Elsa Baxterly, Teija Lehtola, Galina Valentinova Konovalova, Nadezhda Antonova Meledina, Svetla Georgievna Abalysheva
    Description -- A household of Unseelie noblewomen in chary service to their ice lords.

    Name: Frigid Emblem of the Lupine Hilt -- Kaino Aaltonen, Taru Ketola, Lilli Terho, Siiri Paavola, Oana Corbeanu, Varduhi Proca
    Description -- An oathcircle of Aesin and Bukura vassals bent to their least on their own, individual terms.

    Name: Mustusko -- Halvard Wollen; Britta Borg, Eudokia "Dusya" Zotova, Marjoleine Dille, Tauno Uotila, Urpu Saari, Maritta Oivio, Suoma Simonen
    Description -- A Balor coven of Neo-Pagan (Enchanted) mortal witches in service to a Fomorian avatar in the changeling flesh.