The House of Yizhi

The Manual of Yi

The local Shih were not entirely pleased that the shen undertook a mission (that did include two of the Shih) to rescue the Manual of Yi from the clutches of the Wan Kuei. The ancient text reveals some of their many secrets, and although the shinta who led the quest promise that the Manual will not fall into the wrong hands, who trusts a mage?

Still, the Shih were grateful for its recovery. The recovery would have probably been impossible without the help of the local shen made comrades. They keep its recovery a secret (as the Wan Kuei were fooled into believing that its "theft" was the work of the Kin-jin of Clan Tremere), and study from it more intently than anyone else. Below are links that lead to a sample of the lost secrets contained in the Manual of Yi, available to learn by any Shih who study it.