Misty Gates Chantry


Joining the Misty Gates Chantry, the Waydown, or the Twin Dragons Chantry, is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Masters. IC, one can assume much background referencing and checking is performed to insure a spy or psycho isn't allowed into the sanctuary. That includes the prevention of Technocrat, Marauder, and Nephandi spies. When submitting one's character's name to be added to the TUGs roster, please include only his Tradition.

The only limitations are in the core Advantages: no Masters or characters with Arete exceeding 5 will be allowed. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the chantry are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run).

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the MGC. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Tradition, Rank) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is one method).

Misty Gates Chantry
Aden Tides (Cam)
Adrienne Noelle (Cam)
Albina Pena de Azul (Cam)
Ami Dutton (Cam)
Amitie Branham (Cam)
Amon Locke (Cam)
Angey Eisen (Cam)
Bali Galloway (Cam)
Beatrice Kaplan (Cam)
Bethany Sweet (Cam)
Bristol Bair (Cam)
Cecy Woodroffe (Cam)
Clyde Narrows (Cam)
Cooper Wise (Cam)
Corine Wallis (Cam)
Darcie O’Brien (Cam)
Darden Hyams (Cam)
Dawn Samhradh (Cam)
Desire Divaris (Cam)
Ellia Cunnell (Cam)
Elu Wilussit (Cam)
Esraela Turkington (Cam)
Eva Baumgartner (Cam)
Fiona Cary (Cam)
Fiora Vogel (Cam)
Franiza Livier (Cam)
Gidget Morse (Cam)
Ginette Bertillon (Cam)
Gracelyn Lockhart (Cam)
Harley Best (Cam)
Harmony Troke (Cam)
Hawiovi Cha'akmongwi (Cam)
Hebe Lean (Cam)
Iduna Nisse (Cam)
Imtinaan al-Sheikh (Cam)
Isidore Napoleone (Cam)
Jadona Hugill (Cam)
Jazin Jenning (Cam)
Jeronima Dávalos (Cam)
Jody Whitley (Cam)
Joie Dechant (Cam)
Joyce J. (Cam)
Juniper Parrie (Cam)
Kaida Go (Cam)
Kannagi Nan (Cam)
Karlotta Kiesinger (Cam)
Keelie Clegg (Cam)
Kellina Chapel (Cam)
Kenyon Chaffey (Cam)
Klasha Kuznetsova (Cam)
Kylah Pennington (Cam)
Lainey Merritt (Cam)
Lamaya Lundin (Cam)
Lara Kline (Cam)
Lilian Ash (Cam)
Lloyd Teylan (Cam)
Lolo Berrocal (Cam)
Macnia Dacey (Cam)
Malika Sarmiento (Cam)
Mckenzie Kline (Cam)
Midir Griobh (Cam)
Mirna Warrington (Cam)
Mylah Millgard (Cam)
Naqiyya Niazi (Cam)
Nash Carrolton (Cam)
Nuada Lir (Cam)
Onaia Kaiwaena (Cam)
Oscar Eloy (Cam)
Paige Bailie (Cam)
Pari Nijasure (Cam)
Rachell Fisk (Cam)
Reede Dormer (Cam)
Sarina Graysmark (Cam)
Saxon Whiting (Cam)
Sheila Cary (Cam)
Shyann Scharpling (Cam)
Solenne de Guignes (Cam)
Sonamoni Lata (Cam)
Stacy Dawson (Cam)
Stellina Mount (Cam)
Sullivan McDern (Cam)
Sylva Heggerty (Cam)
Tad Atherton (Cam)
Tecia Tafalla (Cam)
Terri Tackett (Cam)
Thalia Waldron (Cam)
Thomas Faxon (Cam)
Vivian Sol (Cam)

The Waydown Chantry
Arleth Holter (Cam)
Chester Aspers (Cam)
Cullen McKay (Cam)
Jaelyn Cannon (Cam)
Lunah Lewin (Cam)
Morelia Mullan (Cam)
Zhenzhu (Cam)

Court of Twin Dragons
Aburami (Cam)
Bi (Cam)
Dayanara Fonda “Daya Fonda” Pangan (Cam)
Doku (Cam)
Guang Zian (Cam)
Gyousei (Cam)
Ha (Cam)
Hwa Chi’u (Cam)
Josei (Cam)
Kagi (Cam)
Kamen (Cam)
Katte (Cam)
Kawashima Reira (Cam)
Ki (Cam)
Me (Cam)
Melati Siska Maya (Cam)
Nawa (Cam)
Nen (Cam)
Ojoki (Mai-p)
Ong Malis (Cam)
Rochana Pradchaphet (Cam)
Ryokan Nikko (Cam)
Ryokan Shinji (Cam)
Saimin (Cam)
Senkai (Cam)
Taihou Kuai Hua (Cam)
Tao Weisheng (Cam)
Teratai Anak Perempuan Raja (Cam)
Tohi (Cam)
Uryo (Cam)
Vadin Valarai (Cam)
Wakino Ei (Cam)
Washime (Cam)
Xin Kunmao (Cam)
Xinren Chun (Cam)
Yagyu Hayate (Cam)

Misty Gates Custos
Gomer Dunn (Cam)

The Waydown Custos

Twin Dragons Custos
Chiya (Cam)
Hitsume (Cam)
Makawara (Cam)
Sora (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that all six are Masters but no stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline. Note that many times over on this webpage, mention of “permission of the Masters” has been made. This is simply a reference to the OOC freedom of players who may wish to modestly run those NPCs to host or participate in certain individuals’ Storylines (see more below about Storytelling).

Misty Gates
  • Jessica Stanislaus (Cult of Ecstasy/Life & Time)
  • Mercury Billing (Virtual Adepts/Correspondence)
  • Sargon Sleuthe bani Bonisagus (Order of Hermes/Prime)

    The Waydown
  • Neville Sinclair (Hollow One/unknown--at least Entropy & Life)

    Twin Dragons
  • Da Xing (Akashic Brotherhood/Mind)
  • Ling Aiguo (Wu Lung/Spirit)


    The formation of cabals in these three chantries is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) cabals instead of random characters.

    Name: Bearers of the Cup -- Aden Tides, Bethany Sweet, Saxon Whiting, Thomas Faxon, Eva Baumgartner, Juniper Parrie, Darcie O’Brien; Audrie Lords; Merit Horemheb; Monique Carmichael, Nahia Escodero-Pedrero
    Description -- A mixed cabal of mages plotting to create and discover the best damned booze in the world.

    Name: Twirl -- Lilian Ash, Vivian Sol, Adrienne Noelle, Oscar Eloy, Amitie Branham
    Description -- A mixed cabal of those who work their will through dance.

    Name: Blood Magic -- Nuada Lir, Macnia Dacey, Fiona Carey, Sheila Cary
    Description -- Druidic war-witches smeared with their own empowered blood as well as the gore of their enemies.

    Name: Firewhirls -- Stacy Dawson, Clyde Narrows, Cooper Wise
    Description -- A small and mixed cabal of war-mages that agitate and enflame.

    Name: Open Arms -- Ami Dutton, Bristol Bair, Darden Hyams, Joyce J., Lara Kline, Mckenzie Kline, Rachell Fisk, Joie Dechant, Solenne de Guignes, Desire Divaris
    Description -- A mixed cabal of inclusivity, thoughtful reflection, and defense.

    Name: Saint Sylvia Mead Priory -- Rachell Fisk, Joie Dechant, Cecy Woodroffe, Corine Wallis, Sylva Heggerty, Hebe Lean
    Description -- A nunnery retreat on the edge of the redwood forest where Awakened and unAwakened nuns gather to pray, reflect, plan charitable activity, nurture gardens, keep bees, harvest honey, and brew mead.

    Name: Godfathers -- Lloyd Teylan, Sullivan McDern, Isidore Napoleone, Kaida Go, Ginette Bertillon
    Description -- A Hermetic-dominant cabal of ingenius Renaissance men (and women).

    Name: High Voltage -- Amon Locke, Harmony Troke, Tad Atherton, Jody Whitley, Nash Carrolton, Beatrice Kaplan, Imtinaan al-Sheikh, Pari Nijasure; Gomer Dunn
    Description -- Technomancers unafraid of the power they can command and unleash.

    Name: Hardlines Cut -- Lainey Merritt, Paige Bailie, Terri Tackett, Sonamoni Lata, Kannagi Nan, Naqiyya Niazi
    Description -- Technomancers of a more larcenous and even illicit bent.

    Name: Hermitage -- Elu Wilussit, Harley Best, Hawiovi Cha’akmongwi, Reede Dormer
    Description -- A predominantly Dreamspeaker cabal best left alone to gather wisdom and stories.

    Name: Speluncam Leni -- Angey Eisen, Ellia Cunnell, Keelie Clegg, Jazin Jenning, Shyann Scharpling, Mirna Warrington, Esraela Turkington, Sarina Graysmark, Lamaya Lundin, Mylah Millgard
    Description -- The escort business from an Awakened approach, trading sex for Tass and Hermetic prestation, these Fellows of Pan and Jerbiton beauties run their own lupanar.

    Name: Little Phoenixes -- Tecia Tafalla, Thalia Waldron, Kellina Chapel, Jadona Hugill, Fiora Vogel, Stellina Mount, Kylah Pennington, Malika Sarmiento, Karlotta Kiesinger, Gracelyn Lockhart
    Description -- A cabal of Akashic Leeists dedicated to the devoted practice of Do in a more open-minded, personalized fashion, meeting together to train and compete.

    Name: Awake League -- Kenyon Chaffey, Franiza Livier, Klasha Kuznetsova, Jeronima Dávalos, Lolo Berrocal
    Description -- A cabal of Cyberpunk Virtual Adepts who enjoy "pressing the flesh" so much that they started up their own MMA league for the Awakened to test themselves and others' skill at unarmed combat.

    Name: Devoid -- Chester Aspers, Cullen McKay, Jaelyn Cannon, Zhenzhu, Arleth Holter, Lunah Lewin, Morelia Mullan
    Description -- Hollow Ones who share a similar vision of “The Void”.

    Name: Reiyari -- Aburami, Doku, Gyousei, Kagi, Kamen, Nawa, Washime, Katte, Josei, Uryo, Senkai, Tohi, Saimin; Chiya, Hitsume, Sora, Makawara; Joho
    Description -- A team of Go Kamisori Gama (Clan Reiryu) under the ultimate command of Nekoko herself, extended here to the Golden Gate City.

    Name: Hebichi -- Bi, Ha, Ki, Me, Nen
    Description -- A team of Go Kamisori Gama (Clan Hebiryu) deployed abroad to keep an eye on their Reiryu rivals' activities.

    Name: Jusha -- Ojoki; Hayley Vaughan, Talora Egan
    Description -- A "princess" of the Tenryu, this Go Kamisori Gama recruits unusual Western allies while investigating a rumor key to the clan's survival.

    Name: Wall-Writers -- Tao Weisheng, Vadin Valarai, Xinren Chun, Ong Malis, Taihou Kuai Hua, Wakino Ei
    Description -- A cabal of chi’n ta of mystical and esoteric formulations.

    Name: Waywalkers -- Xin Kunmao, Hwa Chi’u, Teratai Anak Perempuan Raja, Rochana Pradchaphet, Kawashima Reira
    Description -- Akashic Brothers training and fighting together for the people as much as enlightenment.

    Name: Devotion -- Yagyu Hayate, Ryokan Nikko, Ryokan Shinji
    Description -- Akashic Brothers mastering Do as one unit of legacy name.