Moon Lake Protectorates


Joining the Sept is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Sept Elders. IC, one can assume much truthsaying and soul-scanning is performed to insure a spy, psycho, or Wyrm-corrupted werewolf isn't allowed into the caern sanctums.

The only real limitation is in Rank. No character of Rank 5 is permitted. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the Septs are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run). Black Spiral Dancers and Wyrm-fallen allies are not to be played in the MLP but instead the Shades of Darkness (SoD) game. When submitting your character's name for the TUG's roster, include only if the character is to be in the Sept or not (as would all non-Garou). Kinfolk allied with their respective Tribes and Breeds, even if they aren't considered members of the Septs per se, will be listed here.

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the MLP. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Tribe, Auspice) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (using the mailing list is a good idea).

Sept of the Moon Lake
Agatha Frederick (Cam)
Alanja Taggart (Skye)
Amberly Palmer (Cam)
Burkhard Sankt (Skye)
Candace Anderwood (Teddy)
Christof Isak Vassily (Cam)
Devlin Dell (Cam)
Evgenia "Jenya" Driashk (Cam)
Gregory Winfield (Cam)
Hute Stargatherer (Cam)
Jed Hayes (Sammi)
Jeta Winter (Cam)
Kane Kawacatoose (Cam)
Kem Rez Loup-Meras (Cam)
Kelsey Banks (Cam)
Kurt Glitner (Cam)
Leena Karsten (Cam)
Logan O'Donnahee (Teddy)
Mitchell Baird (Cam)
Nalin Grayhorse (Cam)
Nimeda Blackwood (Cam)
Oger Lootah (Cam)
Shamus Gillen (Cam)
Siobhan Wilder (Cam)
Kirk Winfield (Cam)
Stina Sagen (Cam)
Talaitha Winter (Cam)

Moon Lake Kinfolk
Christianne Sankt (Skye)
Dinos Agnati (Cam)
Emilie Tague (Cam)
Faun Griffiths (Cam)
Idad (Skye)
Jetmir Shandor (Cam)
Katarina "Kata" Vigosi (Cam)
Katja Sankt (Skye)
Kisa Rurik (Cam)
Lev Micolovic (Cam)
Lolli Willenden (Cam)
Maireni Dow (Cam)
Mandey Mangram (Cam)
Noah Elpalet (Cam)
Reina Karsten (Cam)
Sara Hunter (Cam)
Solomon Thurston (Cam)
Sonya Czigany (Cam)
Tsomah Leaping Horse (Cam)
Yurii Mirosky (Cam)
Zindelo Penko (Cam)

Other Shapeshifters
Abylss Deante (Sammi)
Asah Rantham (Cam)
Clifton Rey (Cam)
Eliza Read (Cam)
Evan Mortimer (Cam)
Garrett Lodur (Cam)
Geneieve Snow (Cam)
Hailey Collingsworth (Cam)
Hinto Enapay (Cam)
Len Istaqa (Cam)
Lia Read (Cam)
Lokni Hon (Cam)
Marjani Bola (Cam)
Nahiossi Hiamovi (Cam)
Naomi Washam (Cam)
Nefara Ahzure (Sammi)
Nemesio Zola (Cam)
Nesma Rathore (Mai-p)
Penny Henstridge (Cam)
Poppy Malone (Sammi)
Raisa Nurlaneva (Cam)
Sasha Belle (Cam)
Taigi Cottonwood (Cam)
Takoda Mazablaska (Cam)
Tivra Mayadev (Cam)
Tohopka Nukpana (Cam)
Uzi Tripp (Cam)
Zipporah Cornfield (Cam)

Others' Kinfolk
Emalina "Emma" Meztli (Cam)
Hachi Floritas (Cam)
Joanna Volker (Cam)
Lindani Zahur (Mai-p)
Malila Riverrun (Cam)
Mariana Aqueo (Cam)
Page Ramsey-Namingha (Cam)
Remi Soulant (Cam)

The NPC Elders are as follows, noting that all of them occupy primary Sept positions and are at least Rank 4. But their stats are not listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

  • Guy Adriani “Fist of the Tempest” (Moon Lake Master of the Challenge/Shadow Lords)
  • Reece Lee Odell “Firerock” (Moon Lake Sept Leader/Fianna)
  • Ripples-in-the-Pond (Moon Lake Master of the Rite/Uktena)


The formation of packs in the Moon Lake Protectorates Game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) packs instead of random characters. Furthermore, Garou are pack-minded creatures. The acquisition of a pack Totem is also voluntary, but earning the spirits’ favor is the players’ responsibility (of course) to play out, as there are no official Storytellers in the TUGs.

Name: Embers of Elan -- Alanja Taggart, Devlin Dell, Logan O’Donnahee, Mitchell Baird, Shamus Gillen, Siobhan Wilder; Idad, Emilie Tague
Description -- A Fianna-only pack. Totem: Brighid.

Name: Fangs of Shale -- Leena Karsten, Burkhard Sankt, Candace Anderwood, Kurt Glitner, Stina Sagen; Christianne Sankt, Katja Sankt, Solomon Thurston, Reina Karsten
Description -- A Fenrir-only pack focused on strength and fortitude. Totem: Earthquake.

Name: Quiet War -- Christof Isak Vassily, Gunther of the White Rose, Evgenia Driashk, Amberly Palmer; Lev Micolovic, Yurii Mirosky, Kisa Rurik
Description -- A mixed pack of fierce Garou dedicated to cautious war-mongering and thoughtful, strategic battle-planning: an effort to bridge peace between Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords especially. Totem: Harrier.

Name: Long Road -- Agatha Frederick, Gregory Winfield, Kelsey Banks, Kirk Winfield, Jed Hayes; Dinos Agnati, Noah Elpalet, Sara Hunter, Faun Griffiths
Description -- A mixed pack dedicated to the spirit of cooperation. Totem: Unicorn.

Name: Stilled Tongue -- Hute Stargatherer, Kane Kawacatoose, Oger Lootah, Nimeda Blackwood, Nalin Grayhorse; Tsomah Leaping Horse
Description -- A pack of Pure Land Garou warily observing long-buried secrets. Totem: Uktena.

Name: Stormstruck Roads -- Evan Mortimer, Geneieve Snow, Naomi Washam, Nefara Ahzure, Poppy Malone, Eliza Read, Lia Read, Ablyss Deante; Page Ramsey-Namingha
Description -- A Pride of werecats that occasionally meets to spread the word of what they saw and did.

Name: Laughter of Ayenwathaa -- Hinto Enapay, Len Istaqa, Nahiossi Hiamovi, Tohopka Nukpana, Taigi Cottonwood, Talula Grayhill, Zipporah Cornfield; Malila Riverrun, Hachi Floritas
Description -- A pack of Nuwisha that meets to discuss how best to “teach” local Garou.

Name: Colony of Viscid Laniary -- Clifton Rey, Penny Henstridge, Shinrai Takekuki, Hailey Collingsworth
Description -- Ananasi of multiple Aspects form a single-minded cabal in honor of their queen.

Name: Belle of the Ball -- Sasha Belle; Farrah Addien; Margaret "Meg" Hills, Gracie Jarviss, Wynter Henley, Presley Alltree, Eliane Jelkes, Modesty Kilgour
Description -- This Ananasi-run brothel is attached closely to the main colony, even if most of the employees are oblivious to their employer's true nature. Both the girls and the johns provide ample herd for the local werespiders.

Name: Sleuth of Two Trees -- Garrett Lodur, Lokni Hon, Takoda Mazablaska, Little Rajan; Emalina "Emma" Meztli, Joanna Volker; Cassiola Burke
Description -- A group of Gurahl who seasonally meet to discuss problems and plan for festivals.

Name: Untarnished Crown -- Asah Rantham, Raisa Nurlaneva, Tivra Mayadev, Nesma Rathore
Description -- A Nest of exotic Nagah designated by the Sesha to not only keep an eye on the many eclectic Khurah in the region but other local Nagah, too.

Name: Calls of Dusk -- Marjani Bola, Uzi Tripp, Nemesio Zola; Mariana Aqueo, Lindani Zahur
Description -- A reformed Ajaba clan with more of an urban bent than its predecessor, the notorious Cries of Twilight. Lwa: Weasel.