Old Fort Protectorates


Joining the Sept or Grotto is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Elders. IC, one can assume much truthsaying and soul-scanning is performed to insure a spy, psycho, or Wyrm-corrupted werewolf or wereshark isn't allowed into the caern or grotto sanctums.

The only real limitation is in Rank. No character of Rank 5 is permitted. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the Septs are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run). Black Spiral Dancers and Wyrm-fallen allies are not to be played in the OFP but instead the Shades of Darkness (SoD) game. When submitting your character's name for the TUG's roster, include only if the character is to be in the Sept or not (as would all non-Garou). Kinfolk allied with their respective Tribes and Breeds, even if they aren't considered members of the Septs per se, will be listed here.

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the OFP. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Tribe, Auspice) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (using the mailing list is a good idea).

Sept of the Lost Fort
Adar Manysend (Cam)
Adley Metzen (Cam)
Adrianna Lombard (Cam)
Avory Stephanos (Cam)
Azeria Dastmalchian (Cam)
Carbrey Rycroft (Cam)
Carson Adahy (Cam)
Cathal Embarr (Cam)
Christa Docker (Cam)
Csenge Szilagyi (Cam)
Cyril Karp (Cam)
Elbridge Docker (Cam)
Freyjia Fangeaux (Cam)
Ithamar Gillespie (Cam)
Jailynn Grossman (Cam)
Jeremy Bates (Cam)
Jessa Gould (Cam)
Jurgen Osborne (Cam)
Kalia Kons (Cam)
Kyla Bogue (Cam)
Lexie McGhee (Cam)
Lorinn Rouse (Cam)
Lyla O’Flanagan (Cam)
Major Prout (Cam)
Match Keme (Cam)
Morgan Cafferty (Cam)
Nikoleta Gianoti (Cam)
Opal Lyman (Cam)
Pauline Valentine Angèle Marie (Cam)
Satiribeu Ra-To-Men (Cam)
Shappa Laughs-at-Thunder (Cam)
Stein Kettil (Cam)
Tiras Nable (Cam)
Tolly McGhee (Cam)
Trigger Guard (Cam)
Tyra Birger (Cam)
Ulrick Horner (Cam)
Ulyana Ruslanova Burkova (Cam)
Verica Velimirovic (Cam)
Viho Minninnewah (Cam)
Wikvaya Chavatangakwunua (Cam)
Wymund Helman (Cam)

Lost Fort Kinfolk
Alexander Dragovets (Cam)
Audrina Madox (Cam)
Catriona McCoy (Cam)
Giselle Yanovna (Cam)
Hanoona Sultan (Cam)
Inna Seryogina (Cam)
Jake Teicher (Cam)
Kohana Crowridge (Cam)
Leta Dragovets (Cam)
Sarah Dukeman (Cam)
Sloanie Rostron (Cam)
Tobias Jayne (Cam)

Grotto of Chilling Trenches
Bea Mcneil (Cam)
Harriet Berrie (Cam)
Tarinne Fish (Cam)

Chilling Trenches Kinfolk
Elia Toledo (Cam)

Other Shapeshifters
Aishwarya Dheer (Cam)
Alan Jaol (Cam)
Amey Windle (Cam)
Asku Wheteau (Cam)
Carine Stockton (Cam)
Chance Rains (Cam)
Channing Caoindealbhan (Cam)
Ciqala Bigcloud (Cam)
Cricket McConahy (Cam)
Fahima Sitt-Ramla (Cam)
Feronia Gerstel (Cam)
Genessee Devinette (Cam)
Harper Sole (Cam)
Imola Fyson (Cam)
Kassandra Thorwald (Cam)
Kaya Polliks (Cam)
Khloe Countryman (Cam)
Mahala Mag (Cam)
Mastana Salaravna (Cam)
Mathilda Deere (Cam)
Melicent Mor (Cam)
Rain Catto (Cam)
Rif'a El-Kanan (Cam)
Sasu-khons-pa-se Souban (Cam)
Shayli Eubank (Cam)
Sukaina El-Hanif (Cam)
Symon (Sammi)
Terrie Ridge (Cam)
Thelma Simkin (Cam)
Udo Sverrier (Cam)
Yamanu Runihura (Cam)

Others' Kinfolk
Awullsu Greenslope (Cam)
Bex Otoni (Cam)
Nassie Wildgoose (Cam)
Raida El-Masih (Cam)
Rory Gillins (Cam)
Urika Redcliff (Cam)
Wunita Columns (Cam)
Zahir Sharif (Cam)

The NPC Elders are as follows, noting that all of them occupy primary Sept positions and are at least Rank 4. But their stats are not listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

Sept of the Lost Fort
  • Arn Guth “Stormbright” (Sept Leader/Get of Fenris)
  • Gunther Faramond “Shatters-the-Peaks” (Warder/Get of Fenris)
  • Remus Clavdii “Knows-No-Pain” (Master of the Challenge/Silver Fangs)
  • Sylvan-Ivanovich-Sylvan “Swift-As-Moonlight” (Master of the Rite/Shadow Lords

    Grotto of Chilling Trenches
  • Eva All-Seeing (Grotto Elder/Spynha)


    The formation of packs or slews in the Old Fort Protectorates game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) packs instead of random characters. Furthermore, Garou are pack-minded creatures. The acquisition of a pack Totem is also voluntary, but earning the spirits’ favor is the players’ responsibility (of course) to play out, as there are no official Storytellers in the TUGs.

    Name: Winterhawks -- Adar Manysend, Cyril Karp, Elbridge Docker, Christa Docker, Pauline Valentine Angèle Marie, Ulyana Ruslanova Burkova; Alexander Dragovets, Leta Dragovets, Giselle Yanovna, Inna Seryogina; Phebe Brody
    Description -- A Silver Fang pack containing a destined king as great as Jonas Albrecht. Totem: Wyvern.

    Name: Valor -- Adley Metzen, Jurgen Osborne, Stein Kettil, Tyra Birger; Annelili Rohde; Kassandra Thorwald; Sloanie Rostron
    Description -- A Fenrir pack of unbridled power and glory. Totem: Fenris.

    Name: Roar of Wotan -- Ulrick Horner, Wymund Helman, Jessa Gould; Sarah Dukeman, Jake Teicher
    Description -- A Fenrir pack of epic sturm und drang. Totem: Firedrake.

    Name: Red Riastrad -- Carbrey Rycroft, Cathal Embarr, Morgan Cafferty, Tolly McGhee, Lexie McGhee, Lyla O’Flanagan; Catriona McCoy, Tobias Jayne
    Description -- A solid and traditional pack of Fianna nametakers and asskickers. Totem: Stag.

    Name: Blackcloud -- Ithamar Gillespie, Major Prout, Tiras Nable, Csenge Szilagyi, Verica Velimirovic; Audrina Madox
    Description -- A Shadow Lord pack. Totem: Mother Night.

    Name: Hunger Eaters -- Carson Adahy, Match Keme, Shappa Laughs-at-Thunder, Viho Minninnewah, Mathilda Deere; Kohana Crowridge
    Description -- A mighty pack of Pure Land Garou formed to mitigate the loss of the Croatan. Totem: Hummingbird.

    Name: Scattered Stone Teeth -- Adrianna Lombard, Avory Stephanos, Trigger Guard, Satiribeu Ra-To-Men, Nikoleta Gianoti, Opal Lyman; Leonard Silver, Teal Toker, Hanoona Sultan
    Description -- A mixed pack of the caern’s Guardians. Totem: Boar.

    Name: Hunting Hunters -- Azeria Dastmalchian, Freyjia Fangeaux, Jailynn Grossman, Kalia Kons, Lorinn Rouse
    Description -- An unusual Stargazer pack consisting of several Garou formerly of other Tribes who were targeted in a vile Sabbat plot to Embrace as enthralled Abomination foot soldiers in their unholy wars. Gaia herself intervened and sent Pegasus to redeem these women, restoring their mortality and Gnosis, sending a Kailindo master of the Heavenly Successors of the Demon-Eater to teach them mastery of self and battle, and setting them on a path of vengeance against the Wyrm's most notorious minions: vampires. Totem: Wasp.

    Name: Tapping Doors -- Alan Jaol, Harper Sole, Melicent Mor, Imola Fyson; Nevi Shanks
    Description -- A Murder of Badb Corax covering the many faces of Raven.

    Name: Clowdering Nights -- Asku Wheteau, Carine Stockton, Ciqala Bigcloud, Channing Caoindealbhan, Mahala Mag, Symon, Chance Rains, Aishwarya Dheer, Mastana Salaravna, Sasu-khons-pa-se Souban, Cricket McConahy, Genessee Devinette, Shayli Eubank; Raida El-Masih, Wunita Columns, Awullsu Greenslope, Nassie Wildgoose, Bex Otoni, Urika Redcliff
    Description -- A Pride of werecats that occasionally meets to debate the role Bastet should play, some of whom are supposed to be extinct. Shh!

    Name: Crescent Edge -- Fahima Sitt-Ramla, Yamanu Runihura, Rif'a El-Kanan; Zahir Sharif
    Description -- A Yamilka Nest formed to police immigrant Khurah and related interests.

    Name: Shadow Trackers -- Rain Catto, Sukaina El-Hanif, Thelma Simkin
    Description -- A Nagah nest of mixed Crown background set upon a common goal of hunting down Khurah from abroad that hoped to disappear into the thick crowd of the populous New York City.

    Name: One Chance Barrel -- Wikvaya Chavatangakwunua, Kaya Polliks, Udo Sverrier, Khloe Countryman
    Description -- A pack of Nuwisha who meet discuss how they challenge preconceptions of all sorts.

    Name: Broken Claw Graveyard -- Amey Windle, Feronia Gerstel, Terrie Ridge; Rory Gillins
    Description -- A sleuth of Gurahl who meet seasonally to discuss ongoing threats to the ecological health of their protectorate.

    Name: Sinking Errors -- Bea Mcneil, Tarinne Fish, Harriet Berrie; Elia Toledo
    Description -- A slew that takes pleasure in its Sea-mandated duty of scuttling humans' over-fishing vessels. Totem: Hurricane.