Presas de Ouro

Wan Kuei

The Court of the Golden Flare dates back to the Ming Dynasty in its formation. In those days, it was barely two Wu with a focus on hemming in pirates. Nowadays, it deals with pirates of a different sort: vampiric raiders intent on stripping China of all its secrets and wealth. To that end, it began first by influencing one of the most important Scarlet Screens in modern history: Stanley Ho, the mastermind investor behind the original Macanese casinos. Their strategy thus far has not been direct confrontation with the Kin-jin, but to undermine and close them in. Of course, they always leave the exits open while making it clear that mainland China is off-limits and, in fact, reinforcements are always on their way. The Wan Kuei don’t want to fight cornered rats. Besides, the gweilo can always get the hell out of town.

As a branch of the Flame Court, the Court of the Golden Flare is pretty traditional in its hierarchy and demands. It has no patience for heretics or anything that looks like them. Unauthorized associations and friendships with Kin-jin (or really, any shen) are highly restricted and remedially punished. (Authorized associations are another story.) However, the court does have an alliance of sorts with the Golden Lion Court out of Singapore, who share their disgust of the Kin-jin as well as an interest in commercial trade and “discount” herds/labor.

Key Locations
The Kuei-jin have taken the flagship Casino Lisboa as their throne, and it is their multilateral influence that has caused Mr. Ho to come under suspicion of association with Triads and other “unsavory sorts”. The council of Mandarins frequents the casino and the Ancestor even makes the occasional visit.

However, the court’s sole Dragon Nest is actually located at Lin Fong Temple, found in the northern part of the peninsular city proper, in the Maoshengwei District. This site dates back to the late 16th-century and has long provided a gateway for visiting officials and VIPs from mainland China. Divine idols stand within while friezes of writhing dragons and fu-lion statuary complement the external décor: artifacts easily inhabited and animated by spirits if so called upon for defense. The Dragon Nest itself is inside in a secret basement-maoseleum, where entombed are the bones of a Buddhist saint from the 1500s. The site is a Level 2 Dragon Nest of Mystery.

The Mirror Lands in Macau are dark and dirty. Wet and sticky webs span the nicer and newer parts of town while Yomi-spirits prowl older Macau. The Gui Ren warn their disciples to stay out of the Yang and Yin Worlds without a proper guide.

Dharmic Structure
The Dance of the Thrashing Dragon dominates here, attesting to the court’s interest and influence in Macau’s active nightlife, as well as its friendly relationship to neighboring Golden Courts. The Howl of the Devil-Tiger and Way of the Resplendent Crane are equally represented in second place. The Song of the Shadow’s supplicants dislike noisy, busy Macau. The Path of the Thousand Whispers can make its way through Macau but the ruling body prefers Gui Ren with long-term reliability, who can better help complete schemes that take life-times to execute.

Heretical Dharmas are not tolerated. Akuma are slaughtered outright. No trial, no questions asked. If they bear the brand or are caught dabbling in infernalism, they die.

The Fivefold Way is paramount and the Mandarins are quite strict about it, though that strictness seems to be applied unevenly. It’s quite likely that errors that threaten or damage their plots are punished more vigorously. Short-sighted Bamboo Princes take warning. As elder vampires go, these old-timers are much more up to snuff on contemporary culture and even technology. They have little time or respect for Gui Ren who do not at least match their skill in modern tasks. Single-minded artists and romantics should flitter off to the Jade Court in Changan.


The remaining Kindred in Macau are of the Camarilla, like the original colonizers. Once, Macau flourished under the steady guiding hand of Toreador visionaries and Tremere soothsayers. But the Cathayans couldn’t stand the idea of Cainites ruling their people better than they ever could and pushed back. Shadow wars ensued, in most of which the Kindred prevailed. But no matter how many Cathayans the Children of Caine smoked, there were always more, reinforcements forever streaming in from mainland China. When the imperial era ended, China found her soul and extended her tendrils over all of her traditional territories. Many Cainites gave up and left despite the ties they established to the beautiful islands of Macau.

But some stayed. Oliver Thrace commanded the Tremere to maintain their chantry and some Toreador and their allies felt too connected to the people and city of Macau. They had nurtured her growth through the centuries, after all, and wanted to see her flourish forever. They knew the odds were against them and Vienna had lost interest in a gambling town like Macau, so no reinforcements were forthcoming.

Key Locations
Two Portuguese colonial-era forts became the two main bases of the Camarilla in Macau. The Toreador and associated clans hold Elysium court at Fortaleza do Monte, in the Santo António District on the western side of peninsular Macau. The Tremere chantryhouse was founded on the Guia Fortress, which sits on a nexus they call the Nexo Blanco. The fort sits atop Guia Hill in the Săo Lázaro District, which is east of the center of peninsular Macau. The chapel sits atop the nexus. While the immaculate churchly appearance is maintained in the chapel itself, its basement hides a pit of black ooze that could generously be described as crude petroleum (though it is definitely not that). The Tremere arrange dark magical and ritualistic objects around this natural wellspring of arcane gunk.

Unfortunately, the Kuei-jin traced the ley lines to the nexus. They arranged for an ugly municipal building to be erected on the hill in 2010, disrupting the feng shui of the area and rendering the nexus almost powerless. The Kindred tried to override the mortal bureaucrats who green-lit the project, but the Kuei-jin’s Obligation was too commandeering of the poor mortals’ souls. The Tremere are contemplating an illicit demolitions but fear it could draw too much attention.

Clan Structure
A small and tightly-knit contingent of Tremere command the nexus. A Toreador “Prince” (a title even she renounces) leads a council of elders and ancilla of other clans present. There are only a few. Toreador dominate. A few Idealist Brujah stick around. Other clans might be present.

The Traditions are definitely upheld, especially the Masquerade. The Kindred know that in 2012 their hold in Macau is tenuous.

Sabbat, Anarchs, & Autarky

There are no Kindred in Macau except that handful of Camarilla. Not even a lone wolf Autarkis or Inconnu Monitor is to be found.