Presas de Ouro


Joining any sect is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Prince or Ancestor. Assignment from a distant Sabbat leader is required to become an infiltrator in the Presas de Ouro game. Staying independent is much easier, but doesn’t hold much promise of getting anywhere in unlife. The Anarchs crave only freedom, and loathe the halls of intrigue and fanatic crusades of the sects. But to join any sect IC, one can assume that enough Auspex/Obligation-based observation is performed to insure a spy or genuine psycho (as in the “I like chopping up people’s guts…Masquerade, what’s that?” psychosis) isn’t allowed.

The only limitation is in Generation and Dharma, not age. No character lower than 8th Generation is permitted and no Kuei-jin of Dharma higher than 5 allowed. Though bear in mind that this is not an excuse to make a 2,000 year old 9th Generation vampire! Keep the age in standard with the Generation and Dharma. This has less to do with potential power abuse and illogical social stratification. The leaders of the sects are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run). When submitting your character’s name to add to the TUG roster, include only the character’s sect: Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarch/Independent, or Kuei-jin.

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the PdO game. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Clan or Dharma) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (using the mailing list is a good idea).

Cheong Wah-Fa (Cam)
Enlai Mingxia (Cam)
Gang Qi'shi (Cam)
Hengyang Junjie (Cam)
Ho Se-Ra (Cam)
Intira Sangsorn (Cam)
Jinyue Lianji (Cam)
Joeng Ming-Bou (Cam)
Kam Jiyeon (Cam)
Kamala Sangsorn (Cam)
Khoun Savady (Cam)
Lang Ning (Cam)
Lhamo Zopa (Cam)
Ling Tsong (Cam)
Maela Luz Congco Samonte (Cam)
Nae Ji-Yun (Cam)
Nae Shin-Ae (Cam)
Nguyen Le Suong (Cam)
Nittaya Sangsorn (Cam)
Song Shufen (Cam)
Thi Thuy Phuc (Cam)
Tongbang Yun-ju (Cam)
Tsui Mik-Sa (Cam)
Vang Ngai (Cam)
Yati Aung Myitzu (Cam)
Yuanxi Baxin (Cam)
Zoeng Ki-Lam (Cam)

Doroteia Menezes (Cam)
Man-Siu Rego (Cam)
Nelinha Varela (Cam)
Trinidad Socorro (Cam)

Anarchs, Sabbat, & Independents
Janna Nikitovna Ivchenko (Cam)
Romana Vozza (Cam)

Ghouls, Revenants, Dhampyrs, & Vassals
Catalina Susana Sáez-Cabal (Cam)
Duu Thai San (Cam)
Hadley Coop (Cam)
Marciane Balbina Sapateiro e Cabral (Cam)
Pin Hye-Kyung (Cam)
Pom Chiyong (Cam)
Tam Sung-Sook (Cam)
Yom Yi-Hyun (Cam)

The NPC Elders are as follows, noting that all of them occupy leadership positions and are at least 8th Generation or Dharma 5 and 200 years old. But their stats are not listed—this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

  • Wong Pui Ham (Ancestor of the Court of the Golden Flare/Dance of the Thrashing Dragon)
  • Lo Chong Ho (Magistrate of the Court of the Golden Flare/Way of the Resplendent Crane)
  • Cheng Han Yin (Mandator of the Court of the Golden Flare/Howl of the Devil Tiger)
  • Hung Mei Yan (Minister of Harvest of the Court the Golden Flare/Dance of the Thrashing Dragon)

  • Eufêmia Carriço (Prince/Toreador)
  • Marisa Costa (Primogen & Chantry Regent/Tremere)

    Coteries, Packs, & Wu

    The formation of coteries, gangs, wu, and packs in the Presas de Ouro game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) coteries instead of random characters.

    Name: Passing Leaves of Moon-Blessed Thought -- Enlai Mingxia, Gang Qi'shi, Hengyang Junjie, Ho Se-Ra, Song Shufen
    Description -- A Yin/Balanced-aspect Wu devoted to harmony of and meditation upon the elements. Nushi: Melong.

    Name: Auspice of Kuan-Yin's Bountiful Grace -- Lang Ning, Ling Tsong, Nae Ji-Yun, Nae Shin-Ae, Tongbang Yun-ju; Nee Heung To
    Description -- A Yang-aspected Wu dedicated to pursuing wisdom through life, which by extension means the guardianship of life. Nushi: Nightjar.

    Name: Lost Echoes of Immortal Duty -- Tsui Mik-Sa, Joeng Ming-Bou, Cheong Wah-Fa, Zoeng Ki-Lam, Vang Ngai; Chiu Kam Yi, Leung Yee Hang
    Description -- A Flame Court Wu dedicated to the maintenance, observation, and comprehension of the syncretionist hybrid that is Macau. Nushi: Lady Yuki.

    Name: Shimmering Idol of Seaborne Providence -- Shouwang Lie, Yuanxi Baxin, Maela Luz Congco Samonte, Lhamo Zopa
    Description -- An old Mandarin holds this Corpse-Family as his extensions across Macau, to preserve and observe alike. Nushi: Dragonfly.

    Name: Emptied Soul Way -- Nguyen Le Suong, Thi Thuy Phuc, Jinyue Lianji, Yati Aung Myitzu, Khoun Savady; Nguyen Ky Tuyet, Duu Thai San
    Description -- This philosophical Wu carries on (and occasionally acts on) debates of good and evil, Hun and P'o, justice and injustice. Nushi: Whisper.

    Name: Noriphon Thorns -- Kamala Sangsorn, Nittaya Sangsorn, Intira Sangsorn
    Description -- Three sisters, all triplets, sing the Song of the Shadow, and use their eternal cherry blossom wiles to entice akuma to a brutal demise. Nushi: Typhoon Herald.

    Name: Suspiration of the Scarlet Queen -- Kam Jiyeon; Pin Hye-Kyung, Pom Chiyong, Tam Sung-Sook, Yom Yi-Hyun
    Description -- Not a formal Wu: a Bone Flower from the Green Court was assigned to observe the maturation of several dhampyrs ("Sweaty Man's Children") placed abroad to live a normal life before potential recruitment.

    Name: Glimmer of Persisting Stirps -- Doroteia Menezes, Nelinha Varela, Man-Siu Rego, Janna Nikitovna Ivchenko, Romana Vozza, Erishti Aya; Marciane Balbina Sapateiro e Cabral
    Description -- A coterie of Tremere and other Kindred joined together to understand (and survive) their East Asian counterparts.

    Name: Trinidad Touring -- Trinidad Socorro; Catalina Susana Sáez-Cabal, Hadley Coop
    Description -- A Siren and her entourage, bringing salsa music to an entertainment capital with a hunger for "Iberian" flavored music.

    Name: Five Elements in Five Urns -- Huangfu Zhi, Nam Lu-Fang, Mi Lam, Mu Dailai, Dhanya Gajendra, Lu Yijun, Miao Yimü, Matsui Hiko, Seben Heb-i; Pu Guiying
    Description -- A group of Yongsheng and other Reborn Dead compare notes on the source of their immortality and where that immortality is going at the end of the Fifth Age.