Rebound Will


Symposium #SO7074 stays focused in the heart of the city, in the old industrial district that has been converted to museums, convention centers, and science laboratories. While Kindred may have stock in major companies like Nokia that have regional offices in Oulu, the Union has actual personnel involved in such labs and offices all over town.

The main base of operations for Symposium #SO7074 is out of Science Centre Tietomaa. Once a leather processing factory, it was converted in the late 1980s. The former water tower of the factory also underwent conversion, becoming an 150-foot tall glass elevator observation tower. Tietomaa’s central positionality in Myllytulli district of the city means that this tower facilitates a real-time panopticon. Retractable antennae and dishes dot the roof. The science centre covers a wide gamut of disciplines it can showcase to the public (including children programs), the better to condition the Masses to enlightened science. Indeed, the centre boasts a large IMAX movie theatre that promotes documentary and education films that the Union oversees if not creates. Laboratories, which reasonably seem to be for commonplace replication and educational experimentation, often harbor secret clean room-access labs for Enlightened personnel and their authorized assistants.

The Union commands one Node that lies directly beneath Tietomaa. The former leather factory’s sub-basements were a disposal pit for excess material. To the Union’s initial horror, they discovered that some maniac used the crematorium and related facilities to dispose of human victims. Those acts created a monstrous, Nephandic Node that the Union was able to purify. They did this actually through one man, a heroic Man in Black, Agent Oliver Johansson, who hunted down the maniac, subdued him, dragged him back to the crematorium, and fed him through the processing. Agent Johansson refused to speak of what he experienced that grim day, and was eventually reassigned to Helsinki. Rumors spoke of thankful ghosts, but the NSC made sure the Gauntlet was too thick for that to ever be verified. Ashes from the crematorium can be collected as Tass while simply lingering near the now-cold oven recharges Primal Energy.

All Union-restricted areas are protected with secure keycards, computer lock-outs, and lock-down protocols in the case of emergency. Access to the sub-basement and Node is strictly by Control-level authorization only, which he normally grants to agents and amalgams before key missions. The collection of Tass in such incidences is always forbidden.

Backgrounds & Characters
All members gain the Construct Background at ***. All other Backgrounds must be purchased and acquired normally. The construct commands a communal Level 2 Node of Dynamic requital, representing the tension of relationship between the powerful and powerless, the just and the unjust.

Many uninitiated Sleepers unwittingly work with or for Union-controlled enterprise in Oulu. Authorized Citizens and unenlightened scientists are not uncommon. The Union does not exert much control over public forces (government, police, etc.), nor does organized crime seriously exist in Oulu. Soldiery seems limited to private security officers at Union facilities but, much more impressively, Iteration X’s many “toys”.