Rebound Will


Signing up to the Symposium #SO7074 is usually a matter of recruitment and assignment. IC, one can assume much background referencing and checking is performed to insure a spy or psycho isn't allowed into local ranks. That includes the prevention of Tradition, Marauder, and Nephandi spies. When submitting one's character's name to be added to the TUGs roster, please include only his Convention.

The only limitations are in the core Advantages: no Masters or characters with Enlightenment exceeding 5 will be allowed. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the construct are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run).

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the RBW game. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Convention, Rank) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is one method).

Enlightened Agents
Abner Holden (Cam)
Bishop Gramercy (Cam)
Devin Hediger (Cam)
Eljena Ekman (Cam)
Hedda Forsman (Cam)
Helmiina Koivula (Cam)
Ilta Tuiminen (Cam)
Katharina Blom (Cam)
Lykke Crusenstolpe (Cam)
Natasha Little (Cam)
Ritva Ruotsalainen (Cam)
Sanna Bjorklund (Cam)
Slade Brukman (Cam)
Svea Norberg (Cam)
Tindra Persson (Cam)
Veerle Mollemein (Cam)

Nicola Kernot (Cam)

The NPC leader is as follows, noting that no stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline. Each Convention has a leading NPC figure; this Control is simply the most prominent.

  • Jaakko Harjula (Iteration X/Correspondence & Matter)


    The formation of amalgams in Symposium #SO7074 is generally assigned, but some come together informally. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) amalgams instead of random characters.

    Name: Folly of Man -- Tindra Persson, Svea Norberg, Hedda Forsman, Eljena Ekman, Katharina Blom, Sanna Bjorklund, Lykke Crusenstolpe
    Description -- These Syndicate carteles formed an organized crime escort service (using the regional name of "Förbindelse", a.k.a., "The Swedish Connection") to sting not just criminal elements but the Reality Deviants who so often associate with such dregs.

    Name: Mechanisms of Metal and Meet -- Abner Holden, Bishop Gramercy, Devin Hediger, Natasha Little, Slade Brukman; Nicola Kernot
    Description -- An amalgam dedicated to the calculus of human limitations alongside artificial enhancement capacities.

    Name: Jeton Sums -- Helmiina Koivula, Ilta Tuiminen, Veerle Mollemein, Ritva Ruotsalainen
    Description -- This academic amalgam focuses on statistical and mathematical analysis of not just reality but the future and what it may hold for both the Union and the Masses that it guides and protects.