Fangs of Sangin


Joining the Sept or any other group is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Elders. IC, one can assume much truthsaying and soul-scanning is performed to insure a spy, psycho, or Wyrm-corrupted shapeshifter isn't allowed into the spiritual sanctums.

The only real limitation is in Rank. No character of Rank 5 is permitted. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the Septs are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run). Black Spiral Dancers and Wyrm-fallen allies are not to be played in the FoS but instead the Shades of Darkness (SoD) game. When submitting your character's name for the TUG's roster, include only if the character is to be in the Sept or not (as would all non-Garou). Kinfolk allied with their respective Tribes and Breeds, even if they aren't considered members of the Septs per se, will be listed here.

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the FoS. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (e.g., Tribe, Auspice) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (using the mailing list is a good idea).

Sept of the Blood of the Bear
Aesa Forslund (Cam)
Akilina Ustin (Cam)
Arja Koivu (Cam)
Baptist Rabe (Cam)
Elma Tikkanen (Cam)
Fenya Valerianova Estse (Cam)
Hilde Malmström (Cam)
Ketil Dahlgren (Cam)
Kolben Noble (Cam)
Ludmila Zhurova (Cam)
Luther Erroll (Cam)
Moona Villanen (Cam)
Saerunn Lager (Cam)
Senni Savolainen (Cam)
Silke Mayr (Cam)
Soilikki Siltala (Cam)
Torunn Fredholm (Cam)
Zinaida Rykova (Cam)

Blood of the Bear Kinfolk
Anemoon Baron (Cam)
Annina Asikainen (Cam)
Heleen Hollegien (Cam)
Pien Troost (Cam)
Roman Vladislov (Cam)

Other Shapeshifters
Eerin Kujala (Cam)
Heini Jokinen (Cam)
Hille Kimmo (Cam)
Kanti Plaines (Cam)
Kenda Willows (Cam)
Livli Stenmark (Cam)
Locis Engberg (Cam)
Matwau Megedagik (Cam)
Minna Olander (Cam)
Nursulu Madiova (Cam)
Outi Kujala (Cam)
Pinja Laakso (Cam)
Polina “Polya” Zakharovna Penkina (Cam)
Raford Coates (Cam)
Taisto Tapio (Cam)
Tytti Lahtinen (Cam)
Unni Stenmark (Cam)
Vieno Virtanen (Cam)
Wemilo Tipp (Cam)

Others' Kinfolk
Georgiy “Jora” Makarovich Uladimov (Cam)
Janske Remmink (Cam)
Marit Oortveld (Cam)
Niene Bramer (Cam)
Rineke Remmink (Cam)

The NPC Elders are as follows, noting that all of them occupy primary positions and are at least Rank 4. But their stats are not listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline.

Sept of the Blood of the Bear
  • Urho Rantala “Winter Fangs” (Jarl/Get of Fenris)
  • Kauno Laine “Bleak Wind” (Master of the Rite/Get of Fenris)


    The formation of sentai, packs, prides, slews, or clutches in the Fangs of Sangin game is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) packs instead of random characters. Furthermore, the Garou at least are pack-minded creatures. The acquisition of a sentai/pack Totem is also voluntary, but earning the spirits’ favor is the players’ responsibility (of course) to play out, as there are no official Storytellers in the TUGs.

    Name: Crown of Bone -- Akilina Ustin, Ludmila Zhurova, Zinaida Rykova, Kolben Noble, Silke Mayr, Fenya Valerianova Estse; Roman Vladislov, Pien Troost
    Description -- A mixed pack of Garou dedicated to the mysteries of the Shadow and the salvation of the world that inspires it. Totem: Roe Deer.

    Name: Shadow Trek -- Baptist Rabe, Luther Erroll; Raford Coates, Polina Penkina; Lyana Wolfgar; Anemoon Baron; Viktoria Balashova
    Description -- A Shadow Lord pack seeking ways to elevate the Tribe's role through the discovery and claim of boreal secrets. Totem: Hrafn.

    Name: Brísingamen -- Saerunn Lager, Torunn Fredholm, Aesa Forslund, Ketil Dahlgren, Hilde Malmström; Heleen Hollegien
    Description -- A forceful pack of Valkyrie Fenrir determined to make their mark for the whole Garou Nation. Totem: Snow Queen.

    Name: Grasp of the Emuu -- Arja Koivu, Elma Tikkanen, Soilikki Siltala, Senni Savolainen, Moona Villanen; Annina Asikainen
    Description -- This Silver Fang pack is dedicated to the Masters of the Seal and pursues the secrets of other Garou and what Fera they encounter. Totem: Peregrine.

    Name: Far Stalking -- Livli Stenmark, Matwau Megedagik, Unni Stenmark, Wemilo Tipp, Nursulu Madiova, Kanti Plaines, Eerin Kujala, Outi Kujala, Kenda Willows; Georgiy “Jora” Makarovich Uladimov, Janske Remmink, Rineke Remmink
    Description -- A mixed sleuth/pride of Gurahl and Bastet (and a globe-trotting Nuwisha), including native (Lapp) Ice Stalkers, seeking new tales to tell, old enemies to slay, and fresh hope to foster for survival in the future.

    Name: Viinaloukku -- Taisto Tapio; Yuliya "Yulia" Usenko, Ulla Svensson, Ilma Repo
    Description -- An Ananasi vodka-distiller forms a small pseudo-colony, surrounded by his favorite vessels and connoisseurs of quality liquors.

    Name: Beacons of the Whitecap Rapids -- Locis Engberg, Minna Olander, Tytti Lahtinen; Niene Bramer, Marit Oortveld
    Description -- Even in the frigid north, the Nagah Duties must be observed, and these Nemontana answer the call.

    Name: Boiling Blood -- Pinja Laakso, Heini Jokinen, Hille Kimmo, Vieno Virtanen
    Description -- This slew of Rokea navigate the frigid and hazardous Baltic Sea, taking on Sea's duties seriously to carefully dismantle petroleum exploitation in the maritime region. Totem: Maelström.