

The Golden Rule

All Storytellers have ultimate directive authority when running their own plotlines. It is a belief of the CoLA troupe that this authority is compromised on most of the White Wolf chat site due to the illusions of a functional "perpetual crossover consensual roleplay environment". The ultimate authority of a Storyteller is found of course in application of, when appropriate, the "Golden Rule"! According to most veterans on White Wolf, the "Golden Rule" does not apply online. How one can strip the game of one of its most fundamental concepts and expect none of the problems that constantly plague the official White Wolf site remains beyond this roleplayer's cognitive ability.

Storyteller Data

Players interested in Limited or Buddy Storytelling in the CoLA game should first understand the nature of the game overall. Please review the game's Overview (on the menu to the left) and try to keep close in line to the game's intended themes and moods. Storytelling online is a concept White Wolf has never advised about, and over the past few years this Storyteller has discovered certain realities of how Storytelling works. Refer back to the links in the Storytelling section (Elements, NPCs, & Politics) for some ideas and help.