Amalgam B32X: Kitakai

Dispatch Center #LA0999

Coming soon!


Amalgam Kitakai is given certain tools to better perform their duties. These humble acquisitions are as follows:

  • A black cargo van for transportation and surveillance details. The Union will pay for gas and upkeep.

  • A light pistol for defense and enforcement -- a Heckler & Koch 9mm USP sidearm with standard ammunition. Two clips may be acquired by written request to the Quartermaster at any time.

  • A M-18 taser prod capable of discharging a 20 watt jolt at touch range for the purpose of defense and enforcement. Up to 2 clips (4 charges each) may be acquired by written request to the Quartermaster at any time. Don't play with it.

  • A good, sharp combat knife for defense and whatever else one can think of!

  • Personal radio equipment and standard surveillance devices (binoculars, night vision, et cetera). You break 'em, you buy 'em.

  • A security badge to access the base floors up to the agent's authority and demonstrate Union affiliation to fellow agents. Don't lose it.

  • A monthly allowance of $1,000 (* Resources). Spend it well.

All other tools and weapons must be obtained on one's own time. Developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with the Quartermaster would definitely be a good way to get some nifty new toys (and the Acquisitions Background).

Citizens, Spies, & Influences

The amalgam is pretty fresh to the city. And its focus has been primarily directed towards specific mission requirements, training, and cultural inculcation. So for the time being, Kitakai has not established any allies or connections. Of course, the Union at whole has many, but they aren't for the amalgam's use.

The Amalgam

This lists the members of the amalgam and current commander of the amalgam.

Rai "Die Hard" Nakada (Iteration X/BioMechanics) -- Commander
Ochiba Nao (Syndicate/Financiers)
Unari Michi (Void Engineers/Neutralization Specialist Corps)

Secondaries: Johnny Zhanshi