Breath of Tiki


Joining the Breath of Tiki game is mainly a matter of recognition and approval by the Masters. IC, one can assume much background referencing and checking is performed to insure a spy or psycho isn't allowed into the sanctuary. That includes the prevention of Technocrat, Marauder, and Nephandi spies. When submitting one's character's name to be added to the TUGs roster, please include only his Tradition, Convention, or Craft.

The only limitations are in the core Advantages: no Masters or characters with Arete or Enlightenment exceeding 5 will be allowed. This has less to do with potential power abuse and more to do with illogical social stratification. The leaders of the chantries and constructs are and always will be background NPCs that will almost never be seen (except in plotlines a player may choose to run).

Below is a current character roster of those PCs involved in the BoT game. Even the most basic information regarding these characters (Tradition/Craft/Convention, Rank) must be discovered IC. Only the name of the player of the character will be listed; contacting said player is left to his peers' devices (the mailing list is one method).

Minute Meditation Chantry
Abhay Darshan (Cam)
Amber Hess (Cam)
Archibald Desoyer (Cam)
Astrophel Carr (Cam)
Avion Kangjon (Cam)
Bastiann Lear (Cam)
Briscoe Swick (Cam)
Buto Hideyoshi (Cam)
Carrie Rigby (Cam)
Chitang Changming (Cam)
Christie Bolt-Desoyer (Cam)
Dale Barnett (Cam)
Daphney Wyss (Cam)
Declan Fleck (Cam)
Demura Aimi (Cam)
Ding Xieren (Cam)
Heryati binti Shuaib (Cam)
Hozumi Kinmi (Cam)
Joy McCallister (Cam)
Kailyn Hall (Cam)
Kentayo Izumi (Cam)
Laila Freed (Cam)
Lillie Walton (Cam)
Mahinder Balarama (Cam)
Maxine "Phang Lim" Beavers-Desoyer (Cam)
Melita Yuson Chio (Cam)
Melody Moran (Cam)
Meshitsu Chinatsu (Cam)
Meshitsu Yutaka (Cam)
Miriyan Araluen (Cam)
Missy Hess (Cam)
Miyoshi Ryunosuke (Cam)
Naida Lushen (Cam)
Nagai Megoshi (Cam)
Paris Frail (Cam)
Phon Koliyan (Cam)
Rimshi Gyalpo (Cam)
Rutana Thawan (Cam)
Sakuma Hinno (Cam)
Shane Munroe (Cam)
Shilah Tse (Cam)
Tempawan binti Embory (Cam)
Tracey Belov-Desoyer (Cam)
Tulia Dahil Iriberri (Cam)
Umezaki Uta (Cam)
Veronique Bradbury (Cam)
Wanshan Dengxi (Cam)
Willow Wills (Cam)
Yeng Yuanfen (Cam)
Yeom Chung-ho (Cam)
Youdi Meihua (Cam)
Zoe Freed (Cam)
Zuozhe Naixing (Cam)

Temple of the Blood of Lono
Kaleowaialeale Lo (Cam)
Kamakaiokia Pakileke (Cam)
Kana Keaweaheulu (Cam)
Keena Kahoiwai (Cam)
Luakuninuioneoneihonua (Cam)
Puakea Paikuli (Cam)
Ulekimika Keahilaban (Cam)

Symposium #PO0012
Ai Tsurumi (Cam)
Colbie Lantz (Cam)
Cole Lawler (Cam)
Fay Millington (Cam)
Inma Pearce (Cam)
Ion Mack (Cam)
Kawashiro Yoshiyuki (Cam)
Lena Weaving (Cam)
Lester Bain (Cam)
Wynona Bender (Cam)

Minute Meditation Custos

Fallon Desoyer (Cam)
Ginger Desoyer (Cam)
Hayleigh Desoyer (Cam)
Jazzie Desoyer (Cam)
Jenson Krueger (Cam)
Jesse Cadence (Cam)
Kortney Desoyer (Cam)
Myrlea Desoyer (Cam)
Nicki Desoyer (Cam)
Skipper Desoyer (Cam)
Stacie Desoyer (Cam)
Teresa Desoyer (Cam)

Blood of Lono Custos
Miliani (Cam)

Symposium #PO0012 Citizens
Brian Ayers (Cam)

The NPC leaders are as follows, noting that all six are Masters but no stats are listed -- this is left solely to the imagination of any player who wishes to use them in a plotline. Note that many times over on this webpage, mention of “permission of the Masters” has been made. This is simply a reference to the OOC freedom of players who may wish to modestly run those NPCs to host or participate in certain individuals’ Storylines (see more below about Storytelling).

Minute Meditation
  • Guiren Siyu (Akashic Brotherhood/Mind)
  • Leiakea Tanetimber (Dreamspeakers/Spirit)
  • William Feng bani Hong Lei (Order of Hermes/Forces)

    Blood of Lono
  • Keaweaheulu (Kopa Loei/Prime)

    Symposium #PO0012
  • Keoni Banner (Void Engineers/Earth Frontier Division/SEC/Commander)
  • Yvette Larson (Syndicate/Financier/Chairwoman – Control)

    Cabals & Amalgams

    The formation of cabals or amalgams in these chantries or construct is strictly voluntary and personal. They are well-advised, both IC and OOC. Players wishing to run plots can more effectively wind them around established (or establishing) cabals and amalgams instead of random characters.

    Name: Firespears -- Shilah Tse, Declan Fleck, Astrophel Carr, Bastiann Lear, Joy McCallister
    Description -- This mixed cabal boasts war-mages of all stripes to defend their claim.

    Name: Kolohe -- Willow Wills, Briscoe Swick, Shane Munroe, Miriyan Araluen, Melody Moran, Lillie Walton, Daphney Wyss
    Description -- This Cult of Ecstasy-dominant cabal is all about turning up one’s nose at taboos and norms.

    Name: Sea Spray -- Amber Hess, Missy Hess, Paris Frail, Dale Barnett
    Description -- This cabal of Ecstastics focuses on perfection of the self.

    Name: Mimetic Genetics, Inc. -- Archibald Desoyer, Tracey Belov-Desoyer, Christie Bolt-Desoyer, Maxine "Phang Lim" Beavers-Desoyer; Skipper Desoyer, Ginger Desoyer, Nicki Desoyer, Kortney Desoyer, Myrlea Desoyer, Fallon Desoyer, Hayleigh Desoyer, Jazzie Desoyer, Stacie Desoyer, Teresa Desoyer
    Description -- An ingenious team of cloners surround themselves with “mimetic” replicants.

    Name: Team Plerionites -- Carrie Rigby, Laila Freed, Zoe Freed, Kailyn Hall, Veronique Bradbury, Umezaki Uta; Jenson Krueger; Jesse Cadence
    Description -- These Ethernauts call Hawaii their port but are often in the Deep Umbra.

    Name: Soke -- Buto Hideyoshi, Kentayo Izumi, Meshitsu Yutaka, Miyoshi Ryunosuke
    Description -- A cabal of Akashayana strive for Zen-like mastery.

    Name: Medicine Vow -- Chitang Changming, Wanshan Dengxi, Yeom Chung-ho
    Description -- An Akashic cabal dominated by Blue Skins seeks the Way by helping others.

    Name: Society of Serendipity -- Abhay Darshan, Mahinder Balarama, Rimshi Gyalpo, Naida Lushen, Meshitsu Chinatsu, Ding Xieren
    Description -- A cabal of mixed chi’n ta elevates no single Path and shares wisdom.

    Name: Fruit of Saraswati -- Youdi Meihua, Yeng Yuanfen, Demura Aimi, Zuozhe Naixing, Rutana Thawan, Melita Yuson Chio, Phon Koliyan, Heryati binti Shuaib, Tulia Dahil Iriberri, Tempawan binti Embory
    Description -- Akashic Gam Lung and Blue Skins join forces as Awakened courtesans, mastering all arts.

    Name: Road Past Mara -- Sakuma Hinno, Hozumi Kinmi, Nagai Megoshi
    Description -- Shiryokosha keep their people's true beliefs alive by acting as shininigami (psychopomps) for the Japanese-American dead and dying.

    Name: Makai Protectorate -- Kaleowaialeale Lo, Kamakaiokia Pakileke, Kana Keaweaheulu, Luakuninuioneoneihonua, Ulekimika Keahilaban, Keena Kahoiwai, Puakea Paikuli; Miliani
    Description -- These Kopa Loei cut their losses and look outwards to prevent further harm.

    Name: Steelcoats -- Ai Tsurumi, Kawashiro Yoshiyuki, Ion Mack, Cole Lawler, Wynona Bender, Lena Weaving, Colbie Lantz; Brian Ayers
    Description -- The Subtle Thunders elected to work with the American Technocracy to construct this badass front-line amalgam.

    Name: Adamists -- Lester Bain, Fay Millington, Inma Pearce; Paddy Eliot, Amos Warner
    Description -- An amalgam of assertive scholars, academics, and bureaucrats coordinate subtler efforts in their jurisdiction.